Tuesday, July 23, 2013

JESUS, the Greatest Burden Bearer for us, mankind... Beloved try to master BIBLE, as soon as you can, so that you will know, what you should know before it is too late! GOD/BIBLE says to caste all our burdens upon GOD [1 Peter 5.7]. GOD said Do not fear [Isaiah 41.10-13]. GOD said Do not worry about anything [Philippians 4.6-7]. GOD said Do not worry about tomorrow [Matthew 6.34]. Beloved GOD is Not RESPONSIBLE if we CHOOSE NOT to Believe and Obey HIM but to suffer in pain, tears and sorrows, believing our own impulses and others mere opinions. Beloved Ask yourself Who created who?, Who is in charge here? GOD who created us all or HIS creations? Be wise, Believe and Obey what GOD/BIBLE says, to enjoy Life to its Best, sooner and longer! Wisdom!!

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