Monday, July 15, 2013

JESUS had: time, love and compassion: even for: beggars, lepers, prostitutes, drunkards and many others: Remember, God is love... Know this for sure; without your consent God cannot help you or bless you. Likewise without your consent devil cannot harm you or destroy you. Your decisions decide your destiny. You know, Lord Jesus loves you, whoever and whatever you may be. Jesus had: time, love and compassion for all: even for: beggars, lepers, prostitutes, drunkards and many others: It hurts Him so much when we ignore Him. Remember we are not safe until we are saved. Once saved, we become God's property and He will take care of us, touching and transforming us until the end. Welcome Jesus today, in order to put a full stop to all your: tears, pains, helplessness and hopelessness....

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