Thursday, July 18, 2013

Jesus said: anything beyond, yes as yes and no as no, will be a sin. How often we pray saying "FORGIVE our SINS as we Forgive" [Matthew 6.12] Have you Really FORGIVEN others? Ask and Answer yourself... Remember; longer the explanation, bigger the lie [Matthew 5.37] Lying, stealing, cheating, fooling, manipulating: these may look like quick way out, but in reality they are invisible traps, stopping us from enjoying life, joy, peace and hope, because whenever we do this we break God's law, opening the door for the enemy. Like there are physical laws, there are spiritual too; obeying them results in blessings and disobeying in curses. God is watching [Psalms 53.2] [Jeremiah 17.10] [Romans 2.6-7] [Revelation 22.11-12]

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