Sunday, July 28, 2013

Single ladies Know your real worth in CHRIST and enhance it by increasing your walk with GOD on a regular basis. Enrich and BEAUTIFY yourselves with GODLINESS, make Great GODLY Men to: look at you, like you, love you, long for you and MARRY you by your Real and Priceless Godly Appearance and Attitude. Become and be that Virtuous Woman the BIBLE boasts about [Proverbs 31.10] and make even great men to run behind you instead of you waiting for anybody out there... So, Don't lose heart instead seek GOD. For those who love GOD...everything good or bad, happens for their own good says GOD [Romans 8.28]. Keep on trusting and loving GOD, rejecting all the lies of the devil and his followers... Sometimes, what looks like a sudden disappointment, failure, loss or setback outside; is nothing but GOD positioning You to receive what HE has been preparing for your next level... BIBLE/GOD says HE has great plans for us for now and for later too [Jeremiah 29.11], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21]. So Cheer up, praise and thank GOD for this wonderful blessing in GOD... Remember you are a princess in CHRIST and you deserve a Prince in CHRIST. So Trust GOD and HE will make it happen in the right time, as long as you walk with GOD/BIBLE.

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