Thursday, July 18, 2013

STOP worshiping Money, Men and Materials... Beloved We become our own enemy, as long as we are happily married to our own wrong mindset [Psalms 16.4] never even allowing God or Godly people to correct us [Romans 12.2] So listen to God / Bible [Isaiah 1.17] [Isaiah 1.19] Come out of darkness.... People enslave us because we make them our gods [Isaiah 1.20] but when we worship God, seeking and remaining in Our Creator's presence [Psalms 16.11] He makes us wise, free, joyful, great, peaceful and hopeful. God is God [1 Peter 5.17] He cares for us.... HE has great plans for our future [Jeremiah 29.11] [John 14.2-3] [1 Corinthians 2.9] Accept JESUS and Serve HIM alone [Revelation 3.20] [Romans 10.9-10]

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