Sunday, August 4, 2013

GOD asked Abraham one day, if he could number the stars? [Genesis 15.5] and promised him, his seed will be like that, which includes all Born Again Christians [Galatians 3.29] Beloved, there are More number of STARS in the sky, Trillions and Trillions of times BIGGER than our nearest Star the SUN, which itself is approximately 9,60000 times BIGGER than our planet Earth. I was Awed by the Truth when I heard that, there are more number of STARS in the SKY than DUST on Planet Earth [Psalms 19.1] Oh What a Mighty GOD we Serve...WORSHIP HIM!!!! GOD is simply FAR beyond human Imagination!!! and Bible says GOD created these Stars by HIS mere WORDS [Psalms 33.6]

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