Saturday, August 3, 2013

Though strangers by birth We all became brothers and sisters by the Precious Blood of JESUS becoming an Extended Family of GOD [John 20.17] Rejoice in JESUS, Rejoice about HIS LOVE for us... So LOVE your neighbor [Matthew 19.19] and be Available for those in Pain and in Tears... Remember Whenever we remove GOD from anything / anywhere, we remove LIFE from that, from there...Always believe in GOD; GOD is the only LIFE giver and perfecter of it; by giving us Rest, Peace, Love, Joy, Fun and Hope as much as we Seek HIM wholeheartedly!!! GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER [Matthew 6.9] full of Love and Compassion; Forgiveness and Acceptance; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort You...Accept JESUS now...Open the Flood gates of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and HOPE!!!!

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