Saturday, October 12, 2013

Beloved Don't lose heart and Don't be IDLE waiting for things what you don't have; Start with 1. what you have 2. where you are; trusting GOD, GOD will prove HIM [Judges 3.31]. GOD: knows, loves and gives things to anyone and everyone who has 1. faith in HIM and remain 2. faithful to HIM [James 2.18], [Nahum 1.7], [Ruth 1.16-17] because GOD is not respecter of persons [Matthew 5.45], [Luke 6.35], [Romans 2.11]. Remember as long as you are alive and can talk, you can be an achiever [1 Samuel 30.11-19], [Proverbs 18.21]. Remember 1.No one is greater than GOD. 2.No one is powerful than GOD. 3.No one is wiser than GOD. 4. No one is trustworthy like GOD. 5.No one LOVES you like GOD. Cheer up and DEPEND on HIM.

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