DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Beloved GOD is not only Our Creator [Genesis 1.26-28], Provider [Psalms 34.10], Protector [Psalms 43.7], Healer [Exodus 15.26], and Judge [Isaiah 33.22] but also Our FATHER [John 8.17] and Friend [John 15.13-14], [James 2.3]. How often we miss our loved ones who are not around especially when we are in tears of joy or sorrow; the same way GOD misses us too when we continue to Ignore/forget HIM, because HE is Our Father and Friend too. Remember the more you seek GOD the more you will find HIM [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. The more you find HIM, the more you will enjoy HIM [Psalms 34.8] Remember GOD cannot lie [Titus 1.2]. So please turn to GOD for your own joy, peace, hope.

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