Monday, October 14, 2013

Cancer is a killer, Carbon monoxide is a killer, this is a killer and that is a killer says the world scaring you but beloved you know all these may kill only our body but not our Soul says GOD. So don't be afraid of that but know what GOD says as Killer stuffs 1. IGNORANCE is the killer [Hosea 4.6], 2. Fear is a killer [Matthew 10.28], 3. Doubt is a killer [Matthew 21.21], 4.Worry is a killer [Philippians 4.6], 5. Disobedience is a killer [Isaiah 1.20], 6. Idolatry is a killer [Psalms 16.4], 7. Wickedness is a killer [Genesis 13.13],.. Beloved Nothing is Impossible with GOD [Luke 1.37] and nothing is too Late for GOD [John 11.40]. GOD can: Reverse, Restore, Renew and Recreate Anyone or Anything. GOD is the key. So, Know HIM, seek HIM, believe HIM, obey HIM and please HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9]. Wisdom!

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