Tuesday, October 15, 2013

DEATH is: Scary, Shocking, Saddening and Hopeless END only to those who are yet to: Know, believe, accept, follow and please LORD JESUS because it is this JESUS who put that Death, which Adam brought by sinning to DEATH on the Cross of Calvary and by HIS Resurrection [Matthew 28.6], HE proved and demonstrated what would happen to HIS followers someday, which is You and I, thereby HE Opened the WAY to HEAVEN through HIM, for GOD intended ETERNAL LIFE with HIM [Revelation 21.4] that's why JESUS or Gospel is GOOD NEWS for All Mankind [Luke 2.10]. Beloved JESUS is The SAVIOR of us all, without HIM there is NO SALVATION, NO HEAVEN, NO Eternal LIFE [John 3.15-17], [1 Corinthians 15.22],[Revelation 1.18], [2 Corinthians 5.8]. So Know JESUS personally, so that YOU can Know Who You are and Whose You are and Wait Eagerly and Excitingly for your natural death or Union with The LORD with: Smile, Joy and Pleasure. Beloved the Real KILLER is our IGNORANCE not death [Hosea 4.6]. Death from GOD becomes increasingly sweet and exciting to Anyone and Everyone whose walk with JESUS becomes increasingly personal and intimate, beloved be informed. Start walking with JESUS and Stop WORRYING about DEATH.

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