Monday, October 14, 2013

Once DEAD, we will LOSE our Right to CHOOSE forever! GOD says even if a man gains the whole world and loses his own soul, what shall it profit him? [Mark 8.36] in other words GOD suggests us 1. How Precious we are to HIM and warns us 2. How Important it is to be SAVED to inherit the Kingdom of GOD to Enjoy Eternity with HIM forever in Heaven [John 3.5], [Romans 10.9-10] and counsels us 3. How Disastrous it would be to be Deceived and Victimized by the Pleasure traps of devil in forms of Quick, Easy,.. Attractive: Positions, Possessions and Power or Men, Money and Materials to Ignore GOD/BIBLE and HIS principles [Revelation 12.9]. Beloved wake up, be SAVED NOW [Romans 10.9-10] Never take your Salvation for granted, because you never know when you may lose that right to choose/die! Wisdom.

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