Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Beloved though it is Invisible there is indeed a very great, unrealized but PRICELESS: Beauty, Attraction, Strength and Power in just being: Humble, Honest, Grateful, Kind and Patient. Don't change yourself, thinking that people will like you. Just be yourself beloved and the right people will always like and love the real GOD intended you. By You posing like someone else which indeed you are Not, you may attract the Wrong people and ban the Right ones from reaching you, who were supposed to be a greater part of your life. That is why GOD commands and expects You and I to be the Original ones HE created in the first place before man sinned, which is now, to be in CHRIST and be a New Creature in HIM and not to become a Copy of someone with or without HIM [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Moreover, in order to be you; you don't have to take any extra pain or lessons; you can always be you without any training or preparation. Become and be real; get rid of all kinds and sizes of hypocrisy from and in you. LOVE and RESPECT ALL and Serve GOD, Authorities and Men: by being honest, kind and real before GOD and men; which indeed will make you even feel good and great almost all the time!

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