Friday, November 8, 2013

My brother, my sister and my dear friends Though not widely preached in churches or taught in schools; know about these upcoming, awesome and unavoidable realities. Transfiguration is Real [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], Resurrection is Real [John 5.29], Final Judgment is Real [Hebrews 9.27], Eternal Rewards is Real [Colossians 3.24], Eternal Treasures is Real [Matthew 6.19-20], Lake of Fire is Real [Revelation 20.14] and Heaven which GOD prepared for Anyone and Everyone, who Believes and Obeys HIM is also Real [Revelation 21.4]. But the GOOD NEWS is WE all Still have the Opportunity/Right to CHOOSE [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Once DEAD we will lose our Right to CHOOSE. So, Accept JESUS, be SAVED and prepared to face those REALITIES Joyfully. Wisdom! GOD says ‘Whoever has ears let him hear’ [Matthew 11.15]. ‘Whoever reads let him understand’ [Matthew 24.15]. Fear GOD, listen to HIM, be Wise and Safe. Remember devil is a Liar, Murderer, Thief, Destroyer and Deceiver [John 8.44, John 10.10, Revelation 12.9] Don't be DECEIVED, wake up and turn to GOD.

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