DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Be YOURSELF... You are UNIQUE, my friend [Psalms 139.14]; in others words, you have no competitors on earth; so stop comparing you with others, thinking they are Better than you and feeling sad, bad or even mad; rather be your Best, fulfilling your call, blessing others around.... Remember GOD cannot produce any junks... You are GOD's product... [Genesis 1.26-27] So never believe if any x, y or z says you are not Great... Just trust GOD... Be in JESUS [John 1.12-13], [2 Corinthians 5.17], [Philippians 4.13]. Be the GREAT YOU can be in CHRIST...

Enjoy every moment in life, especially with your loved ones; smile, laugh, crack jokes and feel free to express your love, feelings and at the same time observe and ask for your loved one's feelings too, nothing wrong in that, in fact that is the right thing you must do. Be proactive. Ask for their likes, dislikes, preferences and choices, instead of assuming and spoiling your and their happiness. Remember in every happy relationship; the little things matter a lot, indeed they are the BIG things. So don't be too reserved. You don't have to be like that, unless and until that keeps them happy. Be wise. Live, enjoy your life, thanking GOD from the depth of your heart as frequently as possible, who gifted us with this mysterious and awesome LIFE without us asking HIM. Wisdom and Gratitude.

Beloved Know and Visualize what our simple Response for GOD's Word/Bible can give us in return. GOD/BIBLE promises of Awesome Eternal Rewards, for Now and in Eternity to come in HEAVEN...Remember We lose nothing by believing, obeying GOD/BIBLE, following JESUS thereby remaining Good, leading a Clean life of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Righteousness and Justice, which GOD commands us to..If not, on the other hand, by living an Evil, Selfish, Unjust, Wicked life we CANNOT Please Men, Authorities, GOD but devil....living in PAIN all the time...Which is better? So follow JESUS, Be Peaceful, Happy and Hopeful Now and Forever!!!

Many tears we shed, sorrows we suffer, pains and problems WE face in our daily life doesn't need any fervent Prayer my friend but a simple wholehearted decision to Act upon, to walk away from trouble, that's all. Stop inviting and encouraging trouble makers. Remember GOD won't change anything in your life which you can change yourself. GOD said what is impossible with men is possible with GOD [Luke 18.27]. Because GOD believes in us and knows Exactly what WE are capable of. HE doesn't need anyone to inform HIM or convince HIM [Psalms 139.1-4], [Jeremiah 17.10]. What WE tolerate is what we like or enjoy! So CHANGE for GOOD!! Know this Devil is a Liar [John 8.44] and devil Deceives the whole world [Revelation 12.9] and Devil comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy [John 10.10] but JESUS to give us Abundant Life. So stop being Betrayed and Deceived. Stupidity is knowing the Truth and still believing in the LIES. Please Turn to GOD/BIBLE. HAPPY New Year World!

Beloved: My brother, my sister and my dear friend turn your Sorrows into Joy. Turn your Losses into Gain. Turn your Darkness into Light. Turn your Despair into Hope. Turn your Confusions into Confidence; simply by Turning to GOD. Turning to JESUS. Turning to: Life, Protection, Provision, Strength, Wisdom, Knowledge, Joy, Peace and Hope. Open your Mind, Open your Heart for GOD who gave us LIFE and Numerous Opportunities. Include and increase your friends circle with Godly folks. May your readings include and begin with BIBLE, the GOD's Word for all Mankind. May your listening, viewing, fellow-shipping include and increase in Godly programs and with Godly people. [2 Corinthians 6.14-18]. Beloved please be: Just, Kind, Loving and Forgiving with all fellow men and make GOD Proud and continue to be a great child of GOD. Remember Our: Associations affect our thoughts, our Thoughts affect our emotions, our Emotions affect our decisions, our Decisions affect our LIFE. Please Wake up my friend. Our associations matters lot in all walks of our life. So Seek GOD [Matthew 6.33] and Please HIM [Hebrews 11.6].

Beloved though it is Invisible there is indeed a very great, unrealized but PRICELESS: Beauty, Attraction, Strength and Power in just being: True, Humble, Honest, Grateful, Kind and Patient. Don't change yourself, thinking that people will like you. Just be yourself beloved and the right people will always like and love the real GOD intended you. By You posing like someone else which indeed you are Not, you may attract the Wrong people and ban the Right ones from reaching you, who were supposed to be a greater part of your life. That is why GOD commands and expects You and I to be the Original ones HE created in the first place before man sinned, which is now, to be in CHRIST and be a New Creature in HIM and not to become a Copy of someone with or without HIM [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Moreover, in order to be you; you don't have to take any extra pain or lessons; you can always be you without any training or preparation. Become and be real; get rid of all kinds and sizes of hypocrisy from and in you. LOVE and RESPECT ALL and Serve GOD, Authorities and Men: by being honest, kind and real before GOD and men; which indeed will make you even feel good and great almost all the time!

At times, sit down, take time to think about what all good and great things GOD has done for you, since birth. Like; born as a great human being like you, and living a wonderful, modern life when compared to billions out there who cannot even be equal to you in many areas. Count your blessings one by one; it will give you a new energy to feel proud and thank GOD. Its an awesome feeling altogether. Be grateful...

Wise folks never waste their time. They live their life, not someone's. They value their time more than anything else. Only thing which cannot be recycled is time my friend. People who are wise, productive and committed never waste their time. Because they know time is priceless and irreplaceable. They live their life, not someone's. They value their time more than anything. Start valuing your time. Increase your productivity. Achieve more. Become wealthy. Be a model and blessing to others in saving and utilizing time, in the best way possible: for the well being of you and others. Be a Giver; giver: of love, respect, wisdom, knowledge, kindness, forgiveness, peace and hope. You can and you should my friend. Let us heal this world and make it a better place for us and our children.

Beloved be teachable. Be open minded. Welcome wisdom and knowledge. Be quick to: learn, understand, believe, decide and change; so that you can live Better, Sooner and Longer. Life on earth is not forever my friend; get a BIBLE, go through it and discover it yourself. GOD says many things about you to you, Do it before too late!!!

Don't be very happy with people's mere Claps and Compliments alone but try to Accomplish something Great for you before it is too late. Stop building someone's kingdom for Nothing in Return using your precious: time, talents and treasures which GOD has Entrusted you with [Matthew 25.15]. My brother, my sister and my dear friend Someday WE must LEAVE this world forever to face GOD and give an Individual Account of our life [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. WE came Naked and Empty handed and we GO naked and empty handed BUT If you choose to Build GOD's Kingdom; HE in turn will build yours in Heaven [John 6.27], [Mark 10.29-30], [Matthew 6.20]. This is the Truth. My friend it is your decisions which determines your destiny. So decide today before you lose your right to choose [Ecclesiastes 9.12] once dead and gone. So stop being Betrayed, Used, Fooled and Deceived by simply standing for the world which is passing away. Remember money, men and materials are Vanities though it looks and sounds great for now but not GOD and HIS Word the BIBLE. So seek GOD, stand for HIM and Please HIM. Wisdom, which alone is Eternal.

Many tears we shed, sorrows we suffer, pains and problems WE face in our daily life doesn't need any fervent Prayer my friend but a simple wholehearted decision to Act upon, to walk away from trouble, that's all. Stop inviting and encouraging trouble makers. Remember GOD won't change anything in your life which you can change yourself. GOD said what is impossible with men is possible with GOD [Luke 18.27]. Because GOD believes in us and knows Exactly what WE are capable of. HE doesn't need anyone to inform HIM or convince HIM [Psalms 139.1-4], [Jeremiah 17.10]. What WE tolerate is what we like or enjoy! So CHANGE for GOOD!! Know this Devil is a Liar [John 8.44] and devil Deceives the whole world [Revelation 12.9] and Devil comes to Steal, Kill and Destroy [John 10.10] but JESUS to give us Abundant Life. So stop being Betrayed and Deceived. Stupidity is knowing the Truth and still believing in the LIES. Please Turn to GOD/BIBLE. HAPPY New Year World!
Monday, December 30, 2013
Enjoy every moment in life, especially with your loved ones; smile, laugh, crack jokes and feel free to express your love, feelings and at the same time observe and ask for your loved one's feelings too, nothing wrong in that, in fact that is the right thing you must do. Be proactive. Ask for their likes, dislikes, preferences and choices, instead of assuming and spoiling your and their happiness. Remember in every happy relationship; the little things matter a lot, indeed they are the BIG things. So don't be too reserved. You don't have to be like that, unless and until that keeps them happy. Be wise. Live, enjoy your life, thanking GOD from the depth of your heart as frequently as possible, who gifted us with this mysterious and awesome LIFE without us asking HIM. Wisdom and Gratitude.

KNOWLEDGE is life, Knowledge is time, knowledge is power, knowledge is freedom, Knowledge is wealth, Knowledge is fun, Knowledge is simply Awesome [Proverbs 17.27] and GOD gives Knowledge [Jeremiah 33.3]. GOD/BIBLE gives us A-Z including Eternal Life [1 Samuel 2.6-10], [John 3.15-17]. GOD Removes ALL Fears including the Fear of DEATH [Psalms 34.4], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4]. My brother, my sister, my friend Whoever you may be it doesn't matter, please get a copy of The Holy BIBLE in your favorite language [you can get your FREE copy online as well], read it with reverence, believe it wholeheartedly, obey it immediately, receive it with gratitude to ENJOY REAL AWESOME LIFE beginning within you and flowing out touching and transforming your world [Jeremiah 29.11-13]. Beloved IGNORANCE is the worst KILLER ever known [Hosea 4.6]. So please STOP being Ignorant. Receive LORD JESUS Receive: Life, Wisdom, Power, Peace, Joy and Hope [John 10.10] for now & forever [Romans 10.9-10].

Beloved Lend to GOD [Proverbs 19.17] by Helping the Poor for GOD will Repay you. This Moment, Today will Never Ever come again in my life, your life or Anyone's life my friend... TIME is Priceless. TIME is LIFE. Never Waste TIME. We measure our LIFE by TIME. That date to this date. Everyday we pass-by remember a slice of our Time or Life is gone forever and we are a step closer to GOD than before. TIME won't wait for Anyone or won't come again for Anyone. Our Time on this planet Earth is very Limited. So think more seriously about your LIFE after DEATH now, which is a waiting Reality [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [1 Corinthians 15.51-54]. GOD/BIBLE says there is a time for Everything under the sun, to Live for GOD and to earn Eternal Rewards [John 6.27] and heap Eternal Treasures [Matthew 6.20] ... it includes even our LIFE on earth, my brother, my sister and my dear friend; I don't know who you are but I know very well that JESUS LOVES YOU too,.. Remember Except "TIME" almost everything can be repaired, replaced or recycled, so Never play with your LIFE or your TIME... Live Good, Live a Godly Life [Matthew 28.19-20] touching and transforming your world based on what GOD/BIBLE says... becoming qualified for [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [John 14.2-3] Eternity in HEAVEN [Philippians 3.20-21].

Beloved Know and Visualize what our simple Response for GOD's Word/Bible can give us in return. GOD/BIBLE promises of Awesome Eternal Rewards, for Now and in Eternity to come in HEAVEN...Remember We lose nothing by believing, obeying GOD/BIBLE, following JESUS thereby remaining Good, leading a Clean life of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Righteousness and Justice, which GOD commands us to..If not, on the other hand, by living an Evil, Selfish, Unjust, Wicked life we CANNOT Please Men, Authorities, GOD but devil....living in PAIN all the time...Which is better? So follow JESUS, Be Peaceful, Happy and Hopeful Now and Forever!!!

Beloved worldly Failure is not Godly Failure and Worldly Success is not Godly Success as well [John 18.36], [Isaiah 55.8-9]. Please pause for a moment to Think, ask, analyze and realize this Invisible but Incredible TRUTH; which is wisdom? To undergo such a lot of told and untold Pain and Problems to: Earn, Save, Manage and Invest in this Evil, Uncertain and Passing world which is Not permanent, where WE cannot live for long and to LOSE Everything we Loved and Cherished? OR to INVEST in Heaven which GOD HIMSELF made since the foundation of world [Matthew 25.34] which is our Permanent Home [Philippians 3.20-21] when be Believe and Obey GOD to Accept HIS Free Gift of Salvation through LORD JESUS [Romans 10.9-10] which has NO end at all [Revelation 21.4], where there are NO moth, NO rust and NO thieves [Matthew 6.19-20], [John 6.27], [Mark 10.29-30]! Be WISE my brother, my sister and my dear friend and put your BEST: Time, Talents and Treasures for GOD and in GOD's kingdom, Sowing your Seeds in GOD's Grounds and Keep and ENJOY it FOREVER. Wisdom. Truth. GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2].

World is Not our Permanent home. Our Citizenship is in Heaven [Philippians 3.21]. Beloved WE cannot serve two masters [Matthew 6,24]. WE must choose one before it is too late. We cannot serve GOD and money at the same time. BIBLE says What is highly esteemed in world's sight is abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15], so stop running behind the world. BIBLE says Friendship with the world is enmity with GOD [James 4.4], so check your associations, know and maintain your limits. BIBLE says Wisdom of world is foolishness to GOD [1 Corinthians 1.20], so stop listening to worldly wisdom. Remember though We are in the world, we are not of the world my friend, our citizenship is in HEAVEN [Philippians 3.20-21]. So stop loving the world too much!!! The more you love the world, the more tears, pains, sorrows you will have to suffer but rather LOVE GOD and be filled with HIS AMAZING DIVINE LOVE, JOY, PEACE and HOPE.

May this be your prayer too; my brother, my sister and my dear friend! May GOD help us to Do HIS Will, Encourage each other and Accomplish great things for HIM, while Enjoying our short stay here on earth... Remember removing GOD from anything results in death sooner or later; because GOD alone is life. Devil is evil and evil is death, which is why there is no GOD in death. Be wise, never leave GOD... Life becomes: wonderful and awesome; when we give GOD our throne in us and life becomes horrible and miserable: when we give it to devil, materials or men. Just a choice.... Stay with GOD, and may GOD BLESS YOU, your family and your interests...

My brother, my sister and my dear friend know what is Christmas because Christmas is Good news for us all Mankind [Luke 2.10] you know why because 1. for JESUS, re established our relationship with Father GOD which Adam lost to the tricks of the devil in the garden of Eden. 2. Christmas revealed GOD’s plan for, one great enormous eternal heavenly family comprising of You and I when WE believe in JESUS with Father GOD. 3. JESUS brought and taught: Grace, love, compassion, forgiveness, patience, peace, hope we all needed. 4. for JESUS: brought love, compassion, hope to this evil world; full of greed, hatred, injustice,.. 5. for JESUS taught us to call GOD in heaven as Father, to love each other, pursue peace and to hate: evil, injustice. 6. for JESUS promised, in His Father's house there are many mansions and; He will prepare one for us. 6. for JESUS; taught, demonstrated and became the way for us to Heaven, through faith in HIM. 7. for JESUS loved, transformed even the: prostitutes, drunkards, sick, sinners, poor; So for sure there is hope for us beloved. 8. for JESUS destroyed: all the powers of the devil and gave power and authority to men against evil. 9. for JESUS destroyed: hatred, injustice, wickedness, selfishness, unforgiving, greed, fear and death. 10. for GOD became man in the form of JESUS to reconcile with HIM. So Celebrate Christmas, it is for us all mankind and be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10].
Wise men Worship GOD [Matthew 2.1-2]. Wise folks walk in LOVE, they Evangelize, they Save souls [Proverbs 11.30] from Eternal Death, They Save souls for CHRIST [Matthew 28.19-20] because they have a clear idea of future [John 6.27] [Matthew 6.19-20] They fear GOD, Love and Respect men; They believe in: Life after Death/Resurrection [Daniel 12.2] Final Judgment of GOD [Hebrews 9.27] Eternal Rewards for us Mankind for all our Thoughts, Intents, Words and Deeds; and the Awesome Eternal Retirement [John 14.2-3] [Philippians 3.20-21] in Heaven for all those who are in CHRIST. My friend, please accept JESUS as your Personal SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10] and tell others too!!! Be Eternally SAFE, SECURE and SOUND!!!!

Talk to GOD in prayer, instead of men... My friend; very often many of us think and talk openly; saying is GOD out there? Is GOD real, does HE care, does HE know what's happening in my life and so on... Beloved GOD knows EXACTLY what's going on in our life RIGHT from day one until NOW [Psalms 94.8-11] and HE is watching us all 24/7, not only to what we talk and do but also what we intend and think deep within us... That is why GOD asks us to listen to HIM [Isaiah 1.17 & 19], [Deuteronomy 28.1-14] ... GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8] and HE LOVES us ALL, so Stop ignoring HIM [Revelation 3.20]. Receive HIM today, Now and reach HIM through prayer [Romans 10.9-10]. Be transformed in and out [Romans 12.2]. GOD answers all prayers my friend!

Stop always running Only after Money, Men and Material things; Ignoring, Bypassing and Defying GOD our CREATOR, my Brother, my Sister and my Friend..Even if we gain the whole world, losing our SOUL, we gain nothing INDEED [Matthew 16.26] ... Remember your Eternity in Heaven is PRICELESS never lose it for Anything, Anything... Don't be fooled by the attractions and distractions of this world....

Beloved Marriage is GOD founded [Genesis 2.18], [Matthew 19.6] it is GOD's idea. It is only between one Man and one Woman [Adam & Eve]. Marriage is a covenant and it is holy [Hebrews 13.4], the more we keep GOD in our Marriage, Family and all walks of our daily Life, the more we can Enjoy GOD's Provision, Protection, Peace and Perfection [John 2.5], [Deuteronomy 23.14]. Whenever we remove GOD by Ignoring, Bypassing or willfully Disobeying HIM/BIBLE from any walk of our life [Proverbs 14.12], [Isaiah 1.19-20] we open the door for the enemy or devil, knowingly or unknowingly; which will result in loss of our: Peace, Joy, Strength, Health and even LIFE [1 Peter 5.8]. Divorce is from Devil. Fornication, Adultery, Sex outside Marriage, Swinging, Swapping and Sodomy is Not GOD's Will [Matthew 19.3-9]. Wake up beloved, welcome and Worship GOD and keep these garbage out. My friend [Genesis 1.26-28] WE are created in GOD'S own Image and Likeness for an exclusive reason; to be called as GOD's own Children and to reflect HIS Character and Heart in our lives [Matthew 5.16]; in this Evil and Temporary passing world full of Darkness and Vanities, LOVING ALL and Living a Holy LIFE like HIM here on earth for now and Enjoy Eternal LIFE with HIM in HEAVEN [Revelation 21.4]. So become and be serious with GOD, seek HIM wholeheartedly, in order to be: Restored, Rebuilt and Recreated. Beloved GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER, who is full of Love and Compassion; Forgiveness and Acceptance; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort You. Accept JESUS Now and please HIM until the end [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]; so that GOD will open the Flood gates of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS and HOPE!

Truth is like a spirit which cannot be killed by Anyone; but lying just postpones the truth, for a while from appearing and bothering us. Remember, the day will come, truth will show up again... My friend know this TRUTH; GOD/BIBLE Says GOD is our everything Good, the day we realize and say YES to HIM, to HIS care and to do HIS will [Zechariah 2.8] [Psalms 34.7] [1 John 4.4] [Hebrews 13.5] [John 14.2-3] [Philippians 3.20-21] Cheer up my friend, Discover the Real GOD intended YOU!!!

Devil is a Liar, Murderer, Steal-er, Killer, Destroyer, Accuser and a Deceiver from the beginning my friend [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.10], [Revelation 12.9] and his angels or agents do the same things as well. Remember what JESUS said 'You will know the truth and the truth will set you FREE' [John 8.32] and the truth is GOD's Word the BIBLE [John 17.17]. My friend Devil's greatest weapon against us is nothing but our Own IGNORANCE about GOD and HIS Amazing plans for us and HIS simple expectations from us, which HE has documented in HIS Word, the HOLY BIBLE [Hosea 4.6], [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. If you try to learn BIBLE well [Hosea 8.12] and believe, obey it wholeheartedly [Deuteronomy 28.1-14] no devil can slow you or stop you from being Happy, Healthy, Protected, Peaceful, Prosperous, Joyful and Hopeful [Isaiah 54.17], [Zechariah 2.8], [Psalms 121.4] ... Remember there is No wisdom No understanding No counsel against the LORD [Proverbs 21.30]. Just Trust in the LORD [Psalms 118.8] do HIS will, remain safe forever and IGNORE the devil, who is desperately trying to fool and kill you.

Beloved Moms and Dads: Never Forget, Our Children are Our Future. Decide today to Invest in them. Turn them into your Great Dream Assets by introducing them to GOD/BIBLE from day one [Psalms 127.4] before the world introduces them to the Devil and they become Liabilities. Take some pain to Truly LOVE them by being their Role Model to Teach LOVE. Teach Respect. Teach PEACE. Teach GOD. Teach BIBLE. Remember Every Child, Every Teen, Every Youth NEED JESUS! GOD says if we Parents Forget GOD, HE will Forget our Children [Hosea 4.6]. Fathers, Mothers LOVE and CARE your Children, teach them about GOD [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Ephesians 6.4] its your Unique Responsibility. They Need JESUS before the world gives them the devil. My friend, as a Born Again Christian or CHURCH its our Shared Responsibility to Teach Every Child out there about GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], [1 Corinthians 9.16], [Acts 20.28] and the importance of them Knowing, Loving, Spreading JESUS. So be the role Model to them, our Next Generation. This is our Responsibility. Top Prioritize this. Please share JESUS with them as much as possible and as long as possible. Become and be the Transition Man/Woman.

Husbands: Love your wives [Ephesians 5.25] and Try to understand them; so that you can bring the best out of them...Remember, they are full of power and pleasure as well... They are weak but wise... Many Great Women out there in many parts of the world are MISUNDERSTOOD and Not given the Right opportunities in the Right time to Demonstrate their Gifts, Talents and Skills... Remember your woman can be your [Invisible] Best friend or worst enemy too... So be: wise, nice, kind and patient with them to Enjoy their BEST in life Better, Sooner and Longer...

Don't be very happy with people's mere Claps and Compliments alone but try to Accomplish something Great for you before it is too late. Stop building someone's kingdom for Nothing in Return using your precious: time, talents and treasures which GOD has Entrusted you with [Matthew 25.15]. My brother, my sister and my dear friend Someday WE must LEAVE this world forever to face GOD and give an Individual Account of our life [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. WE came Naked and Empty handed and we GO naked and empty handed BUT If you choose to Build GOD's Kingdom; HE in turn will build yours in Heaven [John 6.27], [Mark 10.29-30], [Matthew 6.20]. This is the Truth. My friend it is your decisions which determines your destiny. So decide today before you lose your right to choose [Ecclesiastes 9.12] once dead and gone. So stop being Betrayed, Used, Fooled and Deceived by simply standing for the world which is passing away. Remember money, men and materials are Vanities though it looks and sounds great for now but not GOD and HIS Word the BIBLE. So seek GOD, stand for HIM and Please HIM. Wisdom, which alone is Eternal.

Perfect LOVE is DIVINE. It is indeed a Great Blessing to Enjoy that kind of LOVE, where you feel you are LOVED no matter what and spontaneously say and do whatever you feel deep within your heart without any HESITATION at all. True Love bears everything, believes everything, covers everything and hopes in everything...This is why love dominates human hearts, even today, as the most powerful force ...JESUS taught us to Love even our enemies and demonstrated HIS Love even on the cross, dying for us...Love HIM and live for HIM...

Love is the key for Happiness my friend. Love has no boundaries. Love is Divine [1 John 4.8] That is why JESUS asked us to Love even our enemies [Matthew 5.44]. So love Everyone around. Remember GOD has always given us something to give others. It may be our: love, kindness, time, knowledge, wisdom or whatever... The sign and Proof of Love is when our passion to give exceeds; our passion to receive... We cannot be in LOVE with someone without GIVING something GOOD and Valuable!!!! JESUS LOVES us, that is why HE gave HIS Life on the cross of Calvary without even us asking for it my brother, my sister and my dear friend [Matthew 28.5-6]. HE gave HIS Word saying there are many Mansions in HIS FATHER's House, and HE is preparing one for us [John 14.2-3] and HE is Coming back [Acts 1.11] to take us Home [Philippians 3.20-21]. What a Great Joy! That is Divine LOVE beloved.

GOD/BIBLE says for there are angels walking around in disguise [Hebrews 13.2]. Beloved GOD is a Spirit [John 4.24]. Angels are Spirits [Hebrews 1,14], WE are Spirit beings [Genesis 1.26-27]. Beloved so continue to love your neighbors [Matthew 19.19] the helpless and hopeless folks around; the orphans, fatherless, widows, prostitutes, drunkards, drug addicts, and all the other miserable ones and don‘t hesitate to entertain strangers too in whatever possible manner because The BIBLE says for there are angels walking around in disguise. GOD said it, take it seriously. Believe it and do your bit, to make some difference in these less fortunate folks around who are in needs.

Bible says,
Drug addicts,
Genesis 19.1-5,
Hebrews 13.2,
Less fortunate,
Miserable ones,
No one is perfect but GOD. Everyone has their own flaws. Learn to forgive, forget and move forward with a new beginning. Be practical. Life is like that. Avoid generating loss and minimize damage. We all are UNIQUE with Different Look, Voice, Smell, Size and Mindsets with Differing Tastes and Choices; so No Human can exactly understand us like GOD. Though we all try to: think, intend, speak and act similar; we often fail; because, truth of the matter is that, we are all UNIQUE. So accept that truth, ignore your ego, apologize and move forward with a smiling face welcoming GOD into your life who is the only bridge between everyone of us because HE alone knows Everything about Everyone!

BIBLE/GOD says 'Every wise woman builds her house: but the foolish plucks down with her hands' [Proverbs 14.1] Husbands: Love your wives [Ephesians 5.25] and Try to understand them; so that you can bring the best out of them...Remember, they are full of power and pleasure as well... They are weak but wise... Many Great Women out there in many parts of the world are MISUNDERSTOOD and Not given the Right opportunities in the Right time to Demonstrate their Gifts, Talents and Skills... Remember your woman can be your [Invisible] Best friend or worst enemy too... So be: wise, nice, kind and patient with them to Enjoy their BEST in life Better, Sooner and Longer...

Enjoy every moment in life, especially with your loved ones; smile, laugh, crack jokes and feel free to express your love, feelings and at the same time observe and ask for your loved one's feelings too, nothing wrong in that, in fact that is the right thing you must do. Be proactive. Ask for their likes, dislikes, preferences and choices, instead of assuming and spoiling your and their happiness. Remember in every happy relationship; the little things matter a lot, indeed they are the BIG things. So don't be too reserved. You don't have to be like that, unless and until that keeps them happy. Be wise. Live, enjoy your life, thanking GOD from the depth of your heart as frequently as possible, who gifted us with this mysterious and awesome LIFE without us asking HIM. Wisdom and Gratitude.

Honor your father and your mother [Says GOD] that your days may be long in the land LORD GOD gives you [Exodus 20.12] JESUS died for us, even though we never lived for HIM, that is love. Always remember who was there for you when no one else was... Remember, respect, honor, love, care, provide, protect, reward your: parents, guardians, teachers any anyone who took care of you, when you were helpless. Beloved, Gratitude is a Godly virtue: learn, practice, and promote it.... May your children watch, observe and learn from how you treat your Parents and Guardians...

Ephesians 6.1-3,
Exodus 20.12,
Matthew 19.19,
Parents and Guardians,
Proverbs 23.22,
GOD allows people in our lives for two reasons: either to be a blessing to us or to teach us lessons we are yet to learn, so in any case we won't be losing anything, by loving others [Matthew 19.19] When we really care about someone, their happiness matters more to us than our own happiness, this is why FATHER GOD [1 John 4.8] sent JESUS to Calvary to save us [Matthew 28.5-6] and take us all back home, to Heaven. So Receive JESUS and be SAVED, so that you can be SAFE for now from the attacks of the devil and become a part of GOD's Kingdom in Eternity once Dead and gone [Romans 10.9-10] ....

Sunday, December 29, 2013
No one has ever said what GOD/BIBLE has said. Because GOD and GOD alone is ABLE and AMAZING... GOD is LOVE [1 John 4.8]. GOD is Ever-living. GOD is Everything [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. JESUS said: I won't cast Anyone away [John 6.37]. I will give you Rest [Matthew 11.28]. Do not worry about tomorrow [Matthew 6.34] Don't worry about Anything [Philippians 4.6]. Beloved there is a great difference between us doing things for us and GOD doing things for us. Think about it. Its wonderful to depend on an Unfailing GOD for anything and everything [Psalms 34.8]. So Accept JESUS as your personal SAVIOR Now [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10] and keep following BIBLE until the end, my friend..GOD is what we all need. Know JESUS know LIFE indeed [Psalms 34.10].

Thank GOD for HIS love, kindness for creating you without us asking HIM and Revealing HIM/BIBLE and putting Red Carpet to Heaven through LORD JESUS [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. So beloved continue to thank HIM everyday for your: family, friends, health, ability, skills, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, success, laughter, and even for your trials, tears, pains and problems; which makes us and help us grow, improve and produce a lot in life... Many of us know and understand the Real value of life, only when others around lose it, right in front of their eyes. Remember many who were with us a while ago are no more with us. So be wise. Value and celebrate: life and GOD's goodness. Stop: wasting life, being ungrateful for all the blessings GOD has showered upon you, us. GOD is GOOD. Praise and Worship HIM. Believe and Obey HIM. Please and Glorify HIM.

Beloved Please Stop being a great looking Person only outwardly with your enviable position, possession and power with a bad looking ugly heart from within... Get rid of your: hateful, selfish, greedy, unjust, unforgiving, ungrateful attitudes; which are holding you back and stopping you invisibly from being blessed eternally and becoming fruitful. Greater part of your real beauty is within you my friend; that is in your love, compassion, respect, kindness, forgiving, gratitude, humility and in patience; which is hidden in you what the world is desperately waiting to see and adore you. So try to be balanced and really Beautiful/Handsome; in and out bringing glory to GOD [Matthew 5.16].

1 Samuel 16.7,
Be fruitful,
Beautiful heart,
Jeremiah 17.9-10,
Matthew 5.16,
Real beauty,
Stop being,
Ugly heart,
Beloved Keep your honesty between you and GOD; don't share your personal life, with everyone you come across; there are many folks who act like servants of GOD and Godly folks, who collect all your personal life stories, especially the ugly and painful ones to keep in their memory bank to gossip, judge, enjoy and even to prophecy upon your life later and to use your life as examples for others. On the other hand, there are a few committed servants of GOD, filled and led by HOLY SPIRIT; who may cry along with you and pray for your deliverance, joy, peace and happiness. Don't jump and run to show your head to everyone, there are wolves around in lambskins. Trust GOD, pour your heart before HIM, HE will heal it and care you well. Wisdom. Truth.

Single ladies Know your real worth in CHRIST and enhance it by increasing your walk with GOD on a regular basis. Enrich and BEAUTIFY yourselves with GODLINESS, make Great GODLY Men to: look at you, like you, love you, long for you and MARRY you by your Real and Priceless Godly Appearance and Attitude. Become and be that Virtuous Woman the BIBLE boasts about [Proverbs 31.10] and make even great men to run behind you instead of you waiting for anybody out there... So, Don't lose heart instead seek GOD. For those who love GOD...everything good or bad, happens for their own good says GOD [Romans 8.28]. Keep on trusting and loving GOD, rejecting all the lies of the devil and his followers... Sometimes, what looks like a sudden disappointment, failure, loss or setback outside; is nothing but GOD positioning You to receive what HE has been preparing for your next level... BIBLE/GOD says HE has great plans for us for now and for later too [Jeremiah 29.11], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21]. So Cheer up, praise and thank GOD for this wonderful blessing in GOD... Remember you are a princess in CHRIST and you deserve a Prince in CHRIST. So Trust GOD and HE will make it happen in the right time, as long as you walk with GOD/BIBLE.

Cheer up,
Jeremiah 29.11,
John 14.2-3,
Loving God,
Next level,
Philippians 3.20-21,
Romans 8.28,
Single ladies,
Thank God
'Cancer is a killer, Carbon monoxide is a killer, this is a killer and that is a killer' says the world SCARING us whereas GOD says IGNORANCE is the Real KILLER [Hosea 4.6]. 1.DEFYING GOD is a killer [Isaiah 1.20], 2.IDOLATRY is a killer [Psalms 16.4], 3.WICKEDNESS is a killer [Genesis 13.13], 4.Injustice is a killer [1 Kings 18.4] 5.FEAR is a killer [Matthew 10.28], 6.DOUBTING GOD is a killer [Matthew 21.21], 7.WORRYING is a killer [Philippians 4.6]. 1.Nothing is Impossible with GOD [Luke 1.37]. 2.Nothing is too Late for GOD [John 11.40]. GOD can: Reverse, Restore, Renew or Recreate Anything/Anyone. GOD is the key. So, Know HIM, seek HIM, believe HIM, obey HIM and please HIM [1 Corinthians 2.9].

Beloved GOD created us all Unique with different: look, voice, smell, size and mindset; so that no one else can take our place in GOD’s heart here on earth or there in Heaven [Revelation 21.4]. My friend, know and believe this: 1. YOU are Very SPECIAL to GOD that is why HE chose not to create one more person like you in the past or in future [Psalms 139.14]. 2. That is why HE sent HIS only SON JESUS to Calvary to be Killed on our behalf to Reach us HOME safe and sound without Fail [John 3.15-17] to become Joint Heirs with JESUS [Romans 8.17]. So don't Fail GOD by rejecting JESUS, losing your Salvation, ending up in Hell, paining GOD's heart. [Ezekiel 18.23]. Wisdom, Responsibility, Gratitude!

Every passing minute in Your Life is a brand new opportunity to denounce Evil and to Receive LORD JESUS, as your Personal SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10] for a brand new life of love, joy, peace and hope my friend. It's never too late, beloved. Remember JESUS paid the price for all our SINS by HIS Precious SINLESS BLOOD [Romans 6.23] on the cross of Calvary on our behalf; its all for FREE, PROVIDED you receive HIM before it is too late. Consider Accepting JESUS today, if possible NOW [Revelation 3.20]. It is nothing but you choosing to say a simple yes for a Priceless Eternal Treasure, which is to LIVE in HEAVEN with GOD HIMSELF without Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death [Revelation 21.4] for ever and ever in the place of DYING in LAKE of FIRE for ever and ever [Revelation 19.20]. Wake up and be wise. Beloved GOD is GOOD. Devil is EVIL. Listen to GOD.

Don't be very happy with people's mere Compliments alone but try to Accomplish something Great for you before it is too late. Stop building someone's kingdom for Nothing in Return using your precious: time, talents and treasures which GOD has Entrusted you with [Matthew 25.15]. My brother, my sister and my dear friend Someday WE must LEAVE this world forever to face GOD and give an Individual Account of our life [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. WE came Naked and Empty and we GO naked and empty BUT If you choose to Build GOD's Kingdom; HE in turn will build yours in Heaven [John 6.27], [Mark 10.29-30], [Matthew 6.20]. This is the Truth. My friend it is your decisions which determines your destiny. So decide today before you lose your right to choose [Ecclesiastes 9.12] once dead and gone. Remember money, men and materials are Vanities though it looks and sounds great but not GOD and HIS Word the BIBLE. So seek GOD and Please HIM. Wisdom, which alone is Eternal.
My brother, my sister and my dear friend know what is Christmas because Christmas is Good news for us all Mankind [Luke 2.10] you know why because 1. for JESUS, re established our relationship with Father GOD which Adam lost to the tricks of the devil in the garden of Eden. 2. Christmas revealed GOD’s plan for, one great enormous eternal heavenly family comprising of You and I when WE believe in JESUS with Father GOD. 3. JESUS brought and taught: Grace, love, compassion, forgiveness, patience, peace, hope we all needed. 4. for JESUS: brought love, compassion, hope to this evil world; full of greed, hatred, injustice,.. 5. for JESUS taught us to call GOD in heaven as Father, to love each other, pursue peace and to hate: evil, injustice. 6. for JESUS promised, in His Father's house there are many mansions and; He will prepare one for us. 6. for JESUS; taught, demonstrated and became the way for us to Heaven, through faith in HIM. 7. for JESUS loved, transformed even the: prostitutes, drunkards, sick, sinners, poor; So for sure there is hope for us beloved. 8. for JESUS destroyed: all the powers of the devil and gave power and authority to men against evil. 9. for JESUS destroyed: hatred, injustice, wickedness, selfishness, unforgiving, greed, fear and death. 10. for GOD became man in the form of JESUS to reconcile with HIM. So Celebrate Christmas, it is for us all mankind and be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10].
May this be your prayer too; my brother, my sister and my dear friend! May GOD help us to Do HIS Will, Encourage each other and Accomplish great things for HIM, while Enjoying our short stay here on earth... Remember removing GOD from anything results in death sooner or later; because GOD alone is life. Devil is evil and evil is death, which is why there is no GOD in death. Be wise, never leave GOD... Life becomes: wonderful and awesome; when we give GOD our throne in us and life becomes horrible and miserable: when we give it to devil, materials or men. Just a choice.... Stay with GOD, and may GOD BLESS YOU, your family and your interests...

Beloved speak wisdom. Speak healing. Speak love. Speak life. Sometimes it only takes one word, one encouragement to ignite the greatness in us; because we are all spirit beings, our spirits in us responds to words, generating, developing new thoughts and feelings. That is how when we think, hear or read a good news we get excited and go dull, down and depressed when it is a bad one. Words cause pleasure or pain instantly to our inner man and not to our body; on the other hand; like when massaged body feels pleasure and pain when physically hurt. This is how we know that we are physical as well as spiritual being in one. That is why GOD said we must always keep on speaking the BIBLE to be filled with joy, peace and hope, in our daily life [Joshua 1.8], [Psalms 1.1-3]. Bible is GOD's heart for mankind in words. BIBLE transforms men because GOD Himself is a Spirit [John 4.24] and His words are also spirits [John 6.63], which corrects and convinces our spirits by its direct influence into our thoughts, feelings and emotions through its wisdom, direction, instruction, blessings, judgments and promises. Begin to read, master, believe and obey BIBLE in order to experience love, joy, peace, wisdom and hope in an increasing manner, in your personal life my friend.

Greatness in us,
Heard or read,
Ignite greatness,
Matthew 19.19,
One encouragement,
Proverbs 18.21,
Spirit being,
Authorities take action when received complaints same way our prayers especially with fasting gives GOD a freehand to shock, storm and destroy the power of darkness. Devil is not scared of AK 47 or nuclear weapons but our fasting combined prayers. So do something, pray for the well being of us and others around....

AK 47,
Good men,
John 14.13,
Matthew 17.20-21,
Nuclear weapons,
Beloved be teachable. Be open minded. Welcome wisdom and knowledge. Be quick to: learn, understand, believe, decide and change; so that you can live Better, Sooner and Longer. Life on earth is not forever my friend; get a BIBLE, go through it and discover it yourself. GOD says many things about you to you, Do it before too late!!!

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