Sunday, December 22, 2013

Beloved WHY DELAY in JESUS' Return? Please understand this TRUTH and LOVE of GOD for us. So be SAVED and SAVE OTHERS too [Romans 10.9-10] and be Ready [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] for LIFE after Death... BIBLE warns all MANKIND, especially the Born again Christians, to be ready to join JESUS in HIS second coming to enter into eternal life, which He promised them; in heaven with HIM. HE said these following signs will precede before HIS coming. [Please read Matthew 24.3-14, Mark 13.3-13, Luke 21. 8-20, Luke 17.26-30, Luke 21.11, 2 Timothy 3.1-5, Daniel 12.1-4, 2 Peter 3.9, 2 Timothy 4.1 and 4, Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] Bible says (1) Deceptions (2) Wars and rumors of wars (3) Nation against nation (4) Kingdom against kingdom (5) Famine (6) Pestilences (7) Earthquakes (8) Persecution (9) Fearful sights in heaven, UFOs (10) Men hating truth (11) Increasing presence of deceiving spirits, doctrines of demons (12) Perilous times (13) Scoffers of God (14) Sodomy, swinging, swapping wives [Luke 17.26, Romans 1.18] (15) Blood, smoke, fire [Joel 2.30, Acts 2.19] My friends please read those above given Bible verses to know, understand and believe in GOD. JESUS is coming back soon.

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