DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Beloved Complication in Relationship, Separation from Relationship and Ending up in Divorce is from the Devil these are Not from GOD. Lying, Cheating, Lusting, Hating, Fornication, Adultery, Swinging, Swapping and Sodomy again these are Not from GOD but Devil [Matthew 19.3-9], [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Romans 1.22-26], [Revelation 12.9]. Wake up beloved, welcome and Worship GOD and keep these garbage out of your Life and your Marriage in order to Experience and Enjoy: GOD's Provision, Protection, Peace and Prosperity [Psalms 34.10], [Matthew 6.33]. [Genesis 1.26-28] WE are created in GOD'S own Image and Likeness for an Exclusive reason; to be called as GOD's own Children and to reflect HIS Character and Heart to the world [Matthew 5.16] to Live and let others Live a Great and Godly Life. Remember removing GOD/BIBLE from your Life or from your Marriage is as good as Removing LIFE; GOD cannot Be with or Bless someone who is Celebrating and Worshiping Devil directly or indirectly. That is the bottom line. Wake up. Turn to GOD and be Transformed for Good receiving HIS Grace, Mercy and Favor. Wisdom. Truth.

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