DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Beloved know what the BLOOD of JESUS does for us, this is why WE need JESUS in our personal life as our SAVIOR [Romans 10.9-10] 1. It remits sins (Matthew. 26:28). 2. It gives life to those who consume it (John 6:53). 3. It causes us to dwell in CHRIST and He in us (John 6:56). 4. It is the means by which JESUS purchased the church (Acts 20:28). 5. It is the means by which JESUS becomes our atonement through faith (Romans. 3:25). 6. It justifies us and saves us from wrath (Romans. 5:9). 7. It redeems us (Ephesians. 1:7; 1 Peter. 1:18-19; Revelation. 5:9). 8. It brings those who were far away from GOD near to HIM (Ephesians. 2:13). 9. It grants us the forgiveness of sins (Colossians. 1:14). 10. It brings peace and reconciliation to GOD (Colossians. 1:20). 11. It has obtained eternal redemption for us (Hebrews. 9:12). 12. It cleanses our conscience from dead works to serve the living GOD (Hebrews. 9:14). 13. It is the means by which we enter the most holy place with boldness (Hebrews. 10:19). 14. It speaks a better word than the blood of Abel (Hebrews. 12:24). 15. It sanctifies us (Hebrews. 13:12). 16. It makes us complete for every good work (Hebrews. 13:20-21). 17. It cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7). 18. It bears witness in the earth along with the Spirit and the water (1 John 5:8). 19. It is the means by which Jesus washes us (Revelation. 1:5; 7:14). 20. It is the means by which we overcome the accuser of the brethren (Revelation. 12:11).

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