Saturday, January 18, 2014

Beloved: My brother, my sister and my dear friend turn your Sorrows into Joy. Turn your Losses into Gain. Turn your Darkness into Light. Turn your Despair into Hope. Turn your Confusions into Confidence; simply by Turning to GOD. Turning to JESUS. Turning to: Life, Protection, Provision, Strength, Wisdom, Knowledge, Joy, Peace and Hope. Open your Mind, Open your Heart for GOD who gave us LIFE and Numerous Opportunities. Include and increase your friends circle with Godly folks. May your readings include and begin with BIBLE, the GOD's Word for all Mankind. May your listening, viewing, fellow-shipping include and increase in Godly programs and with Godly people. [2 Corinthians 6.14-18]. Beloved please be: Just, Kind, Loving and Forgiving with all fellow men and make GOD Proud and continue to be a great child of GOD. Remember Our: Associations affect our thoughts, our Thoughts affect our emotions, our Emotions affect our decisions, our Decisions affect our LIFE. Please Wake up my friend. Our associations matters lot in all walks of our life. So Seek GOD [Matthew 6.33] and Please HIM [Hebrews 11.6].

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