Friday, January 17, 2014

GOD is the Greatest GIVER beloved. Without us asking HE gave us Life and countless Opportunities to Choose from. HE reveals HIMSELF to anyone who has an hunger for GOD [Jeremiah 29.13] through HIS Word/BIBLE [1 Samuel 3.21]. Even the Incredible Eternal LIFE in Heaven with GOD HIMSELF without Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death [Revelation 21.4] is also a FREE a Gift of GOD [Romans 6.23], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10] to Anyone who believes in JESUS. GOD is Generous [Psalms 36.7], Impartial [Romans 2.11] and Never Sells ANYTHING [Isaiah 55.1-2]. Know for sure Eternal LIFE is just an Entry in to Heaven that's all my friend but to be Recognized and Great there, You must Work for it now here on earth to Earn your Eternal Rewards [John 6.27-29] and Heap your Eternal Treasures [Matthew 6.20] by Knowing, Believing and Obeying GOD/BIBLE as much as possible. Remember WE cannot serve two masters [Matthew 6.24], What is highly Esteemed in world's sight is Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15], and Friendship with the world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4]. Truth. Wake up and Work for your Eternal Rewards and Eternal Treasures. Wisdom.

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