Thursday, January 9, 2014

LIES are only from the devil and its followers [Revelation 12.9]. LIES sell fast because it Appears very ATTRACTIVE, Sounds very NICE, EASY to make one and often Poses like an Instant and Easy SOLUTION Costing almost NOTHING But in reality it is a CURSE in disguise, it Enslaves its maker, fills them with Fear, Worry, Pain and Torment; costing a lot MORE than Truth to punish them with Deception and DEATH in the end [John 8.44]. Beloved only GOD and GOD alone can give MORE out of less [Matthew 14.17-20], Make the Dead to LIVE again and Create Great things from Nothing [Romans 4.17]. So STOP running only behind Money, Men and Materials DECEIVING, Destroying YOU and Start SEEKING GOD/BIBLE to Prepare for your Eternity in Heaven with GOD [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Philippians 3.20-21]. My brother, my sister and my dear friend even if you Gain the Whole World and LOSE your Soul, what profit you can make, you will only end up in HELL [Matthew 16.26]. Wake up to SEEK GOD [Matthew 6.33]. Truth. Wisdom.

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