Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My brother, my sister and my dear friend Naked we came, Naked we will GO someday but [1 Timothy 6.7] though our Entry and Exit remains Fixed and EMPTY; GOD: counsels, offers and helps us to Earn [John 6.27], Multiply [Luke 6.38], Heap and Invest [Matthew 6.19-20] in Heaven from here. Converting all our temporary treasures of earth into Heavenly Treasures and Rewards; provided WE Listen, Believe and Obey GOD [Mark 10.29-30], [John 20.29] by Sowing into GOD’s Kingdom NOW. So that we can keep it FOREVER. So be quick to Invest your Time, Talents and Treasures in GOD’s Kingdom for spreading JESUS; delivering Dying Souls from Darkness who are Now in: Pain, Tears, Sorrow and Eternal Death so that You too can be Wise in GOD’s books [Proverbs 11.30]. Wisdom. Truth. So be wise to build your kingdom in Heaven from Now on using materials from Earth.

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