Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Only GOD and HIS Word/BIBLE is Permanent and Reliable beloved. We all are living a most uncertain life but with an Unfailing GOD around us. USE things LOVE GOD, Love people, live a meaningful GODLY life! Beloved Life begin to: bore, sour, bitter and break; when people begin to fall in love with others' things than them. Money and materials; are deceptions, traps, pitfalls if not handled with care and caution. People are the Greatest asset and Pleasure we can ever have; when wisdom, justice, love and respect becomes the foundation of that Friendship or Relationships. Beloved Use things, love people for real happiness, joy, peace and satisfaction. GOD showed us LOVE and commanded us to LOVE, so keep HIM in it, to enjoy it to the brim and to the very end...

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