DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, March 28, 2014
There are folks who Work for themselves. There are folks who work for them and others. And there are some: Sweet, Selfless, Precious folks, who WORK for GOD: diligently, tirelessly, sacrificially with a Smiling Face. Though many may not notice/appreciate/recognize/reward what they DO for GOD, GOD Knows/Records Exactly what they: Did, Do and will ever Do for HIM, HIS saints, so as to Reward them in due time [Hebrews 6.10], [Isaiah 46.10]; to them HE says; Everything: Good/Bad/Ugly happens for their own Good, because they are in LOVE with GOD [Romans 8.28]. Their Captivity won't last long; GOD will Deliver, Honor them. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Those three Hebrew boys; Shadrach, Meshach an Abed-nego, were neither Men pleasers nor Feared Men, but Stood for GOD until End, Refusing to Worship King's Golden Image. Though it was going to END their Awesome Royal Life in King's palace,. and their Life too in a fiery furnace, in a Horrific way. They were Three, Bound, and Thrown into Fire. In Fire they were Loose, Walking without Hurt becoming Four, the last one like Son of GOD. King saw this in Astonishment, asked them to come out, they were again Three, Fire had NO Power over them [Daniel 3.1-30]. Beloved, GOD will be with YOU, when you Fear and Faithful to HIM, No matter what devil/men say [Psalms 91.14-16]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Beloved, GOD knew us even before the foundation of the earth [Jeremiah 1.5] and HE knew us by name [Isaiah 49.1]. We were in Eternity even before We entered into Earth/Time Zone and once DEAD, We will get into Eternity Again but this time to ENJOY in Heaven or Suffer in Hell; which depends only upon, how We respond to GOD's Word/BIBLE now [Matthew 5.18], [Isaiah 66.2], [Revelation 21.4]. Life on earth is like Vapor, says GOD [James 4.14] and again HE says Heavenly Life is Eternal. So, wake up and put things in order. Remember, this momentary Life on earth is the Deciding Factor for your Eternal: LIFE/DEATH [John 3.16]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Saturday, March 22, 2014
GOD has Great Plans for you [Jeremiah 29.11] and HE is with you [Hebrews 13.5]. So Take Risks... Try to Experiment things... Dream BIG and make it a reality... Be quick to Learn and Change. Do the Right things [Jeremiah 33.3] though they are not always Easy. Some people will never appreciate whatever good things you do for them; because it is not in them; but still you do the Right Thing; Never expect honey out of common bees... Remember, Even after angels came from Heaven and blinded the eyes of the trouble makers; saved Lot's daughters and warned [Genesis 19.15] repeatedly of imminent destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, Lot's wife defied them and got killed [Genesis 19.26] becoming a pillar of salt... Even after JESUS warned us, if we don't listen to HIM now, we too may have to die in Hell... So whoever you are Be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10] Now... Don't take GOD/BIBLE lightly!!!

The more anyone learns, listens and loves BIBLE, the GOD’s Word; the more: bold, confident, wise and calm they become... They will be engulfed by GOD's Grace [Psalms 32.10] favor and mercy.... First thing what GOD gives anyone; who believe and obey HIM/BIBLE [Fear Him] is wisdom [Proverbs 1.7]. Wisdom changes all things that need change in our life. Wisdom is simply awesome.... Seeking GOD and receiving GRACE is what we must focus on whenever we sign off to our daily worldly duties... [Matthew 6.33]

Friday, March 21, 2014
Every: Minute/Hour/Day spent in IGNORANCE, Not Knowing GOD/JESUS personally is an: Irrecoverable, Irreparable and Irreplaceable LOSS, my friend. You might be Laughing/Wondering saying I am Poor/Empty handed; having Nothing to LOSE, beloved You are WRONG. TIME is Your LIFE. Devil Steals it. Devil is god of this world [2 Corinthians 4.4]. Devil dominates this world [Galatians 1.4]. Devil DECEIVES the Whole World, through LYING [Revelation 12.9], [John 8.44], [John 10.10]. Beloved, GOD is: TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE, LOVE, LIFE [John 1.1], [1 John 4.4], [John 3.16]. GOD has Great Plans for You [Jeremiah 29.11], [Revelation 21.4]. Read and Research BIBLE to Receive, Enjoy GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
GOD has written Everything about us even before we were born [Psalms 139.16] but How casually many think, ask is GOD really out there, knowing things and so on and so forth? Not realizing they use the very brain GOD created us with to do so, how sad! Beloved 1.GOD knows us even before we were born [Isaiah 44.2]. 2. HE knows what we Think, Talk, Do [Psalms 94.8-11], [Psalms 139.1-4]. 3. Knows all exact details about us and others [Luke 1.36]. 4.What we need even before we pray [Matthew 6.8]. 5. Bar-coded/numbered every strand of hair on our heads [Matthew 10.30]. 6.Every drop of our tears in HIS account [Psalms 56.8]. 7. HE decided where, when we must be Born, Live, Die [Acts 17.26]. Remember GOD knows End from Beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. Better Believe, Obey and Please HIM [Hebrews 11.6] Wisdom!

Beloved, DEATH is: Scary, Shocking, Saddening and Hopeless END Only to those who are yet to Know LORD JESUS as their Personal Savior but to the SAVED its a Pleasure and Dream come true [2 Corinthians 5.8] because it is this JESUS who put that Scary Death which is Shocking the whole world since long to DEATH on the Cross of Calvary, which Adam brought into being by Sinning in Eden, disobeying GOD's Word. And by HIS Resurrection [Matthew 28.6], JESUS proved and demonstrated what would happen to HIS followers someday, which is You and I [1 Corinthians 15.51-54], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. Thereby JESUS Opened the Golden WAY to HEAVEN through HIM, for GOD intended ETERNAL LIFE for all Mankind [Revelation 21.4], that's why JESUS/Gospel is GOOD NEWS for us all [Luke 2.10]. Beloved WHOEVER you are please be SAVED [Romans 10.9-10], Accept LORD JESUS [Revelation 3.20]. So that NO one or NOTHING can SCARE You. Beloved you know Death of GOD's saints are precious in HIS sight [Psalms 116.15]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, GOD Never Advertises HIM and of course Never Hides HIM too. GOD Revealed: HIM, HIS LOVE and HIS Awesome Plans for Mankind through HIS Word/BIBLE [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21], [Revelation 21.4]; and HE is Waiting/Watching our Response. Even Salvation is an Announcement, Not an Argument [Luke 2.10]. GOD believes in us, HE knows; WE all carry that Instinct/Missing Link deep down our hearts; an Emptiness/Hunger for GOD, because HE only kept it [Ecclesiastes 3.11]. Even Animals know their Masters.. but not my Children, laments GOD [Isaiah 1.3]. Beloved, Know this; When You Seek GOD Wholeheartedly; You Will find GOD and: See, Hear, Perceive,. things You Hadn't before. Truth. Choice. Wisdom.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
My brother, my sister and my dear friend, Though: Listening, Seeking, Believing, Obeying, Honoring, Pleasing GOD/BIBLE; is NOT very Welcome/Common, in this ever busy and never good; Materialistic, Selfish, Deceptive, Evil World [Galatians 1.4], [2 Corinthians 4.4], [John 8.44]; Beloved, Fear of GOD is the KEY/Secret behind Getting Rid of ALL other Devil inflicted FEARS, which Dominates/Haunts your: thoughts, intents, words and deeds [Psalms 34.4], [Proverbs 1.33]. Does the sense of: Death, Uncertainty, Poverty, Change or Future bothers you?! NO Worries. GOD/BIBLE has and is the Solution; turning to HIM will REMOVE those FEARS from your MINDSET and Replace it with HIS LOVE and ASSURANCES [Isaiah 41.10-13]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Beloved, Moms and Dads: Never Forget, Our Children are Our Future. Decide today to Invest in them. Turn them into your Great Dream Assets by introducing them to GOD/BIBLE from day one [Psalms 127.4] before the world introduces them to the Devil and they become your Liabilities. Take some pain to Truly LOVE them by being their Role Model to: Teach LOVE. Teach Respect. Teach PEACE. Teach GOD. Teach BIBLE. Remember Every Child, Every Teen, Every Youth NEED JESUS! GOD says if we Parents Forget GOD, HE will Forget our Children [Hosea 4.6]. Fathers, Mothers LOVE and CARE your Children, teach them about GOD [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Ephesians 6.4] its your Unique Responsibility. They Need JESUS before the world gives them the devil. My friend, as a Born Again Christian or CHURCH its our Shared Responsibility to Teach Every Child out there about GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], [1 Corinthians 9.16], [Acts 20.28] and the importance of them Knowing, Loving, Spreading JESUS. So be the role Model to them, our Next Generation. This is our Responsibility. Top Prioritize this. Please share JESUS with them as much as possible and as long as possible. Become and be the Transition Man/Woman.
JESUS said: 1.Love your Enemies, 2.Bless them that Curse you, 3.Do good to them that Hate you, 4.Pray for them that despite-fully Use and Persecute you [Matthew 5.44]. Why? because HIS Kingdom and HIS Principles are not of this world! Though HIS Kingdom is Invisible for now, yet it is the only Eternal and Immortal Kingdom [John 18.36], [1 Timothy 1.17]. Beloved: if you follow, stand for JESUS/BIBLE, remember you will have Persecutions; because WE are called for it [John 16.33], [2 Timothy 3.12]. Never lose heart; Know this, 'They that sow in tears shall reap in Joy' [Psalms 126.5]. If you are in CHRIST, Your Life is yet to begin [Revelation 21.4], [Philippians 3.20-21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Men look at outward Appearance whereas GOD looks deep down our Hearts [1 Samuel 16.7]. Men look only for attractive, rich, qualified, skilled, experienced, reliable people whereas GOD qualifies the people who Believe and Obey HIM/BIBLE to do great and awesome things without great effort through HIS anointing. Men look at outward appearance; height, weight, color, nationality, qualification, past experience with reference letters but GOD looks into our inside, gazing at our heart, feeling good, bad, satisfied and proud, based on what we have Treasured up there deep down our hearts. This is what matters to GOD. When they are good, just, right, love, kindness and peace for others; HE is Pleased and Proud. Beloved be Beautiful inside and attract GOD rather than men and world. Wisdom. Beloved DON'T WORRY about your outward appearance, it doesn't matter. DO Worry about your inside and clean it up and fill it up with GOD, LOVE, FORGIVENESS, KINDNESS, PEACE and HOPE!

1 Samuel 16.7,
Outside appearance,
Reference letters,
GOD said you will know the Truth and the Truth will set you FREE [John 8.32] and GOD's Word is the Truth [John 17.17]. Beloved Truth is like a spirit which cannot be killed by Anyone; but lying just postpones the truth, for a while from appearing and bothering us. Remember, the day will come, truth will show up again... My friend know this TRUTH; GOD/BIBLE Says GOD is our everything Good, the day we realize and say YES to HIM, to HIS care and to do HIS will [Zechariah 2.8], [Psalms 34.7], [1 John 4.4], [Hebrews 13.5], [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20-21]. Cheer up my friend, Discover the Real GOD intended YOU!!!

My friend: The sign and proof of one being a Christian is by their Fruitful LIFE the world sees and hears, for they Walk in Light. Anyone can witness their Love, Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness and Selflessness in their words and deeds, resulting from their changed inner man flowing through their Thoughts and Intents of their heart by the Domination of CHRIST or The Spirit of GOD in them...World can easily know a True Christian from their Life of: Righteousness, Justice, Love, Respect, Compassion, Forgiveness, Selflessness and Peace for all!!! Become and be a True Christian my friend!!!!

May this be Your: faith, confession and hope too; my brother, my sister and my dear friend! May GOD help us to Do HIS Will, Encourage each other and Accomplish great things for HIM, while Enjoying our short stay here on earth... Remember removing God from anything results in death sooner or later; because God alone is life. Devil is evil and evil is death, which is why there is no life in death. Be wise, never leave God... Life becomes: wonderful and awesome; when we give God our throne in us and life becomes horrible and miserable: when we give it to devil, materials or men. Just a choice.... Stay with GOD, and may GOD BLESS YOU, your family and your interests...

Beloved, Though GOD is Our: Creator, Sustainer, Ruler of Mankind; with Wonder working and Miracle making as HIS basic nature; Did you know, there are Many things, what WE easily: Think, Talk, DO often; GOD Himself cannot do?! Shocked right? Yes; GOD cannot Lie, GOD cannot Change, GOD cannot break HIS Word, GOD cannot Sleep/Slumber, GOD cannot Fail/Cheat. GOD cannot Hate. GOD cannot be Partial. GOD cannot be Unjust. GOD cannot be Unholy. GOD cannot Mistake, GOD cannot be Imperfect, GOD cannot become Weak/Tired/Sick and GOD cannot Die. [Titus 1.2], [Psalms 89.34], [Malachi 3.6], [Psalms 121.4], [Romans 2.11], [1 Samuel 2.6-10]. So, believe what GOD/BIBLE says. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Beloved, STOP: shedding tears, living in pains and sorrows; feeling/saying 'I have NO one, like her/him/them, to LOVE me, to support/guide me'. It is a LIE of the devil/ungodly [John 8.44]. My friend, You are NOT here by yourself, You are NOT your order, but GOD's. Though You Don't: see/hear/feel HIM/BIBLE, GOD sees/hears/knows you 24/7/365. In fact GOD feels sad, saying 'Ox knows its master,.. my people Don't Know me'[Isaiah 1.3]. Know this, You have a: Creator, Master, Father, Friend; who LOVES YOU so Much. GOD says, HE is closer to broken hearted. So, whenever you are dull/down/depressed; GOD is right next to You [Psalms 51.17]. Receive HIM [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Beloved, You and I or the Whole world, NOT Believing in: GOD, Resurrection, Final Judgment, Hell, Heaven, Eternal Rewards and Eternal Treasures; WILL NOT make them Disappear, GOD goes by HIS Word/BIBLE, that's Final [John 14.1], [John 5.29], [Hebrews 9.27], [Revelation 2.11], [Revelation 21.4], [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-21], [Psalms 89.34]. 'IGNORANCE KILLS' says GOD [Hosea 4.6]. GOD is Not the Author of CONFUSION but Satan, and his agents or people in darkness are its distributors [1 Corinthians 14.33], [James 3.15-16]. Even, Devil believes in GOD and tremble before HIM [James 2.19]. Wake up my friend. Know/DO what is RIGHT. Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, Every: Animal, Tree, Herb,. and Creation of GOD has their own: Uniqueness, Purpose and Greatness. Some are known, MOST are yet to be Discovered. [Proverbs 21.31], [Exodus 2.15], [2 Kings 2.20-22]. Similarly Every Man, whom GOD Created in HIS own Image and Likeness; which is You and I, have our own Uniqueness, Purpose and Greatness, kept in us. [Psalms 139.14]. Know this, GOD never Produce Junks. The gifts and Talents, HE has Deposited in us, based on Grace and Faith we received, can get Activated and Optimized only when we Seek, Trust and Depend on GOD [1 Corinthians 12.1], [Matthews 25.15-18], [Romans 12.3], [Jeremiah 33.3]. So, Believe and Obey GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

GOD is Just [Romans 2.11]. GOD is Unchanging [Malachi 3.6]. GOD is True [Titus 1.2]. GOD goes by HIS Word/BIBLE [Psalms 89.34]. So, GOD is Reliable and Trustworthy. Faith in GOD is the only way WE/Mankind can reach and receive from GOD, our Breakthrough. Your Miracle is in your Faith in GOD/It is in your own hands. Faith can penetrate through time; You can be in your future through your faith. Faith is moving with GOD, making use of HIS POWER and AUTHORITY [John 14.12]. Faith can DO what might and power cannot. Wisdom of the world is Foolishness to GOD and viceversa. So, it is imperative to become a fool in the sight of the world in order to become wise in GOD’s sight. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, GOD is not respecter of persons but of course of principles [Romans 2.11]. Many say 'GOD's LOVE is Unconditional'. My friend, it's a LIE! Please Don't Believe that [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.9]. Because GOD/BIBLE says in John. 3.16 'GOD so LOVED the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON [JESUS] and Whosoever Believes in HIM shall not Perish but have Eternal Life'. So, Wake up. Believe in JESUS or else YOU will Perish, Suffering in Hell, forever! No Offence; that's the TRUTH. So, STOP believing 'GOD's LOVE is Unconditional', if that is the case, then ALL can go to Heaven. No need for: Accepting JESUS, receiving Baptism and Walking in Truth [John 3.5]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Beloved, Priceless and Lasting Beauty or Attraction is, Spiritual or the Inner one, says GOD/BIBLE. My friend; Respecting others, Loving others, being Humble, being Honest, remaining Grateful, being Patient, Forgiving others, being kind, being Simple,.. these are Godly principles which produce AWESOME Results in Anyone's life. [Matthew 15.25-28], [Matthew 8.5-10], [Matthew 5.37], [Luke 17.12-19]. These are Simple but Godly/Wise Choices, One can Ever make in order to be Super RICH before GOD and men, without even having a penny in their hand. Remember, GOD is Just and GOD will never make you a SLAVE to Anyone, unless You want it. My friend, GOD LOVES YOU. So, Listen to HIM/BIBLE to be Liberated. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Love is the key for Happiness my friend. Love has no boundaries. Love is Divine [1 John 4.8] That is why JESUS asked us to Love even our enemies [Matthew 5.44]. So love Everyone around. Remember GOD has always given us something to give others. It may be our: kindness, forgiveness, time, knowledge, wisdom or whatever... The sign and Proof of Love is when our passion to give exceeds; our passion to receive... We cannot be in LOVE with someone without GIVING something GOOD and Valuable!!!! JESUS LOVES us, that is why HE gave HIS very Life on the cross of Calvary without even us asking for it my brother, my sister and my dear friend [Matthew 28.5-6]. HE gave HIS Word saying there are many Mansions in HIS FATHER's House, and HE is preparing one for us [John 14.2-3] and HE is Coming back [Acts 1.11] to take us Home [Philippians 3.20-21]. What a Great Joy! That is Divine LOVE beloved.

Beloved, STOP DECEIVING Yourself by Fooling others by being FAKE [Galatians 6.7-8]. Become and be Real. Fake folks accomplish Nothing but SHAME whereas Real people HONOR. They Please GOD/BIBLE and they don't care about others' False opinions about them. They have Quality time for: GOD, family and friends whereas PEOPLE PLEASERS; care only about what others' think, talk about them; Wasting all their time, treasures maintaining their Unreal image for NOTHING. Beloved let your life be pleasing to GOD and GOD alone and Remember GOD Hates all forms of Hypocrisy, Double standards but LOVES Honesty. [Matthew 23.13], [Proverbs 11.1], [Numbers 12.7-8], [Psalms 94.8-11]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, GOD is not respecter of persons but of course of principles [Romans 2.11]. Many say 'GOD's LOVE is Unconditional'. My friend, it's a LIE! Please Don't Believe that [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.9]. Because GOD/BIBLE says in John. 3.16 'GOD so LOVED the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON [JESUS] and Whosoever Believes in HIM shall not Perish but have Eternal Life'. So, Wake up. Believe in JESUS or else YOU will Perish, Suffering in Hell, forever! No Offence; that's the TRUTH [John 8.32]. So, STOP believing this LIE of 'GOD's LOVE is Unconditional', if that is the case, then Every Tom, Dick and Harry can go to Heaven. Then No need for: Accepting JESUS, receiving Baptism and Walking in Truth [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [John 3.5]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
BELOVED above all else, guard your heart, for everything you think, talk and do flows from it, says GOD [Proverbs 4.23]. We cannot change our life until we change our thinking and thought process because our thoughts are very powerful; they steer our life into greatness or fall. 'As one believes is he' says GOD/BIBLE [Proverbs 23.7], [Psalms 109.17]. Thoughts are pictures of mind developed by our imaginations that have constructive or destructive possibilities and have power over our emotions/feelings [Genesis 6.5]. Thoughts are like things you can take it or leave it; they are like Seeds which can Grow in your Heart [Matthew 6.25]. They affect and control our emotions [Genesis 45.26], [Psalms 119.165]. Imaginations may or may not be deliberate whereas thoughts are deliberate. Imaginations can be induced and influenced by external inputs [Genesis 15.5], [Luke 12.17-21] whereas thoughts are created, chosen, believed and stored in our memory which can be re-visited, replayed and renewed as well [Romans 12.2], [2 Corinthians 10.4-5]. Know this, GOD is very much aware of our thoughts, even as we begin to think [Matthew 1.20]. Now, these thoughts we carry can hold us in bondage with fear, anxiety, worry and unbelief if they are Ungodly or Negative OR if Godly or Positive keeps us in freedom with confidence, faith, joy, peace and hope. So, decide to: Discipline, Receive and Renew your thoughts from Knowing and Believing BIBLE in order to control and remain in high spirits almost all the time by learning and believing what amazing things GOD our Creator promises us in HIS Word the BIBLE including our possible never ending Eternity in Heaven with HIM along with Eternal Rewards and Eternal Treasures. So, consider seriously and act immediately to know, believe and obey what GOD/BIBLE says! This is why I present and place these thoughts before your imagination in this blog to be picked up openly, processed positively to eventually produce great results in you and through you, for you and for rest of the world. Beloved be Blessed and Become a BLESSING to the Billions around! Life on earth is temporary and a short one so make LIFE as GREAT as possible by depending on GOD and HIS Word the BIBLE! in short LOVE and RESPECT Everyone, as per GOD's Word!.

Good friendship is wonderful but True friendship is Awesome. True friends are a Great Blessing indeed. They don't hesitate to do anything for fun. Beloved, of all relationships FRIENDSHIP is Wonderful. A true friend is someone who picks us up, when nobody else has even noticed, realized that we have fallen. A true friend often acts proactively; sensing, observing, asking and finding out things which, not even our family or other loved ones know about. There is No fear or shyness between true friends. There is No secrets between them. True friends know they are equal. True friends accepts, appreciates, cautions and corrects everything and never discriminates. There is no boundaries between them like age, sex, religion, color, creed, size, shape, status, etc. True friendship is selfless. True friendship is Real. True friendship is full of LOVE and RESPECT. True friendship is simply Awesome [1 Samuel 18.1]. You know what GOD/BIBLE says about us and all things we: see, hear, touch, feel and perceive?, they were all created by GOD and for HIS own pleasure [Colossians 1.16-18] Wow, how sweet, we were created for GOD's pleasure. So, can we befriend GOD? Enjoy HIS company? of course we can, but how? just by knowing, believing and keeping GOD's Word the Holy BIBLE which is HIS offer for Anyone to become HIS friend [James 2.23], [John 15.13-15] Its very true my brother, my sister and my dear friend. Its amazing, you too can be a friend of GOD Our Creator. Sounds great? Please go for it.... Become and be GOD's friend! What a privilege! Remember GOD is GOOD.

Beloved, please Stop Complaining all the time! At times, sit down, take time to think about what all good and great things GOD has done and doing for you, since birth. Like; born as a precious child to caring parents, studied or studying in good schools and having become a great human being like you, and living a wonderful, modern life when compared to billions out there to whom its still s distant dream my brother, my sister and my dear friend, THANK GOD for that. Now please pause for a moment to take stock of your known and dominant Blessings at least; it will give you some new energy to feel good, proud and to THANK GOD increasingly and frequently. Its an awesome feeling altogether. So be grateful and try to put a smile on those poor and needy around. Respect them, Love them, Help them in your capacity whenever possible. Remember Life is just once, they also have Feelings, Desires and Dreams like us! JESUS said [Matthew 22.39] 'Love your neighbor as you love yourself' and they are these helpless folks my friend. So be Kind to them. Make GOD Proud today and everyday.

At times,
Awesome feeling,
Be grateful,
Count your blessings.,
Great things,
Human being,
Modern life,
New energy,
Psalms 139.14,
Since birth,
Take time,
Thank God
Husbands: Love your wives [Ephesians 5.25] and Try to understand them; so that you can bring the best out of them...Remember, they are full of power and pleasure as well... They are weak but wise... Many Great Women out there in many parts of the world are MISUNDERSTOOD and Not given the Right opportunities in the Right time to Demonstrate their Gifts, Talents and Skills... Remember your woman can be your [Invisible] Best friend or worst enemy too... So be: wise, nice, kind and patient with them to Enjoy their BEST in life Better, Sooner and Longer...

Saturday, March 15, 2014
Beloved, Marriage is GOD founded [Genesis 2.18], [Matthew 19.6] it is GOD's idea. It is only between one Man and one Woman [Adam & Eve]. Marriage is a covenant and it is holy [Hebrews 13.4], the more we keep GOD in our Marriage, Family and all walks of our daily Life, the more we can Enjoy GOD's Provision, Protection, Peace and Perfection [John 2.5], [Deuteronomy 23.14]. Whenever we remove GOD by Ignoring, Bypassing or willfully Disobeying HIM/BIBLE from any walk of our life [Proverbs 14.12], [Isaiah 1.19-20] we open the door for the enemy or devil, knowingly or unknowingly; which will result in loss of our: Peace, Joy, Strength, Health and even LIFE [1 Peter 5.8]. Divorce is from Devil. Fornication, Adultery, Sex outside Marriage, Swinging, Swapping and Sodomy is Not GOD's Will [Matthew 19.3-9]. Wake up beloved, welcome and Worship GOD and keep these garbage out. My friend [Genesis 1.26-28] WE are created in GOD'S own Image and Likeness for an exclusive reason; to be called as GOD's own Children and to reflect HIS Character and Heart in our lives [Matthew 5.16]; in this Evil and Temporary passing world full of Darkness and Vanities, LOVING ALL and Living a Holy LIFE like HIM here on earth for now and Enjoy Eternal LIFE with HIM in HEAVEN [Revelation 21.4]. So become and be serious with GOD, seek HIM wholeheartedly, in order to be: Restored, Rebuilt and Recreated. Beloved GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER, who is full of Love and Compassion; Forgiveness and Acceptance; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort You. Accept JESUS Now and please HIM until the end [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]; so that GOD will open the Flood gates of LOVE, JOY, PEACE, HAPPINESS and HOPE!

My friend: The sign and proof of one being a Christian is by their Fruitful LIFE the world sees and hears, for they Walk in Light. Anyone can witness their Love, Compassion, Kindness, Forgiveness and Selflessness in their words and deeds, resulting from their changed inner man flowing through their Thoughts and Intents of their heart by the Domination of CHRIST or The Spirit of GOD in them...World can easily know a True Christian from their Life of: Righteousness, Justice, Love, Respect, Compassion, Forgiveness, Selflessness and Peace for all!!! Become and be a True Christian my friend!!!!

Beloved, Moms and Dads: Never Forget, Our Children are Our Future. Decide today to Invest in them. Turn them into your Great Dream Assets by introducing them to GOD/BIBLE from day one [Psalms 127.4] before the world introduces them to the Devil and they become your Liabilities. Take some pain to Truly LOVE them by being their Role Model to: Teach LOVE. Teach Respect. Teach PEACE. Teach GOD. Teach BIBLE. Remember Every Child, Every Teen, Every Youth NEED JESUS! GOD says if we Parents Forget GOD, HE will Forget our Children [Hosea 4.6]. Fathers, Mothers LOVE and CARE your Children, teach them about GOD [Deuteronomy 6.1-7], [Psalms 78.1-8], [Ephesians 6.4] its your Unique Responsibility. They Need JESUS before the world gives them the devil. My friend, as a Born Again Christian or CHURCH its our Shared Responsibility to Teach Every Child out there about GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], [1 Corinthians 9.16], [Acts 20.28] and the importance of them Knowing, Loving, Spreading JESUS. So be the role Model to them, our Next Generation. This is our Responsibility. Top Prioritize this. Please share JESUS with them as much as possible and as long as possible. Become and be the Transition Man/Woman.

Beloved be teachable. Be open minded. Welcome wisdom and knowledge. Be quick to: learn, understand, believe, decide and change; so that you can live Better, Sooner and Longer. Life on earth is not forever my friend; get a BIBLE, go through it and discover it yourself. GOD says many things about you to you, Do it before too late!!!

Friday, March 14, 2014
Beloved reading is a great Hobby, why? because it informs and at times it takes us instantly to different worlds in our spirit by inducing our imaginations through the author's writings, who is also a creation of GOD like you and I; whereas reading The HOLY BIBLE is not only like that but also it TRANSFORMS Anyone and Everyone forever who reads it with faith [Hebrews 4.2] and fills them with untold: Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Love, Joy, Peace and Hope [Psalms 119.165], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] because; it's Author is GOD our Creator HIMSELF [2 Timothy 3.16] that's why its full of Life and Power [Hebrews 4.12], [Psalms 19.7] Knowledge and Wisdom [Hosea 4.6] [Hosea 8.12] Truths and Promises [Matthew 5.18]. Go for it! Whoever you are, it is GOD's personal word/letter for you, while you are on earth. Sooner you: read, believe, obey and honor it the better for you, your family and yours.

Beloved remove negative people from your life as soon as you can. Remember: the people you spend your time with influence your: attitude, thoughts and success more than you think or even without your knowledge. So never give even an extra second to: any negative people in life, who refuse to learn or people who never believe in GOD because eventually they will slow, stop and even spoil you. Beloved; Only thing which cannot be recycled is TIME or LIFE, Never waste it. Do every GOOD thing then and there, Never Postpone [Ecclesiastes 3.1-8]. Never Waste time [Ephesians 5.16]. Be wise in Using or Saving time; Plan ahead and be prepared [Colossians 4.5] Be wise.

Humility is seed for Education; Education is seed for Knowledge; Knowledge is seed for Change; and Change is the seed for Success, Liberty and Glory [Proverbs 15.33], [Deuteronomy 32.10], [John 8.32], [Jeremiah 33.3]. My friend, in all your seeking Seek GOD/Knowledge [John 1.1]. If men's knowledge can impress us, how about GOD's, who created us, the mankind? Google gives us Sense Knowledge whereas BIBLE gives us Revelation Knowledge. Google gives us Worldly Knowledge whereas BIBLE gives us Divine Knowledge. Google informs about past and present whereas BIBLE the Future as well [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

My friend, You are in charge of your life, no one else [Ecclesiastes 7.29]. Check your associations very carefully, every now and then to, keep what is Godly and get rid of the Ungodly, if it is damaging your walk with GOD/JESUS. Kill or get killed, it is that simple. Remember, No one is forcing you to what to Think, what to talk, what to do; So, it is YOU who choose to React to whatever people throw at you, Never forget that [Proverbs 18.21]. Now, If You don't kill those evil, wrong relationships now or soon, they will eventually kill your relationship with GOD! So walk away from the Ungodly: evil, unjust, selfish, greedy, wicked people [John 8.44], [John 10.10], [Revelation 12.9], if they constantly refuse to Change for Good, Just, love, forgiveness and peace for all. Stop playing with fire! Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

BELOVED above all else, guard your heart, for everything you think, talk and do flows from it, says GOD [Proverbs 4.23]. We cannot change our life until we change our thinking and thought process because our thoughts are very powerful; they steer our life into greatness or fall. 'As one believes is he' says GOD/BIBLE [Proverbs 23.7], [Psalms 109.17]. Thoughts are pictures of mind developed by our imaginations that have constructive or destructive possibilities and have power over our emotions/feelings [Genesis 6.5]. Thoughts are like things you can take it or leave it; they are like Seeds which can Grow in your Heart [Matthew 6.25]. They affect and control our emotions [Genesis 45.26], [Psalms 119.165]. Imaginations may or may not be deliberate whereas thoughts are deliberate. Imaginations can be induced and influenced by external inputs [Genesis 15.5], [Luke 12.17-21] whereas thoughts are created, chosen, believed and stored in our memory which can be re-visited, replayed and renewed as well [Romans 12.2], [2 Corinthians 10.4-5]. Know this, GOD is very much aware of our thoughts, even as we begin to think [Matthew 1.20]. Now, these thoughts we carry can hold us in bondage with fear, anxiety, worry and unbelief if they are Ungodly or Negative OR if Godly or Positive keeps us in freedom with confidence, faith, joy, peace and hope. So, decide to: Discipline, Receive and Renew your thoughts from Knowing and Believing BIBLE in order to control and remain in high spirits almost all the time by learning and believing what amazing things GOD our Creator promises us in HIS Word the BIBLE including our possible never ending Eternity in Heaven with HIM along with Eternal Rewards and Eternal Treasures. So, consider seriously and act immediately to know, believe and obey what GOD/BIBLE says! This is why I present and place these thoughts before your imagination in this blog to be picked up openly, processed positively to eventually produce great results in you and through you, for you and for rest of the world. Beloved be Blessed and Become a BLESSING to the Billions around! Life on earth is temporary and a short one so make LIFE as GREAT as possible by depending on GOD and HIS Word the BIBLE! in short LOVE and RESPECT Everyone, as per GOD's Word!.

Sunday, March 9, 2014
Following JESUS or being a CHRISTIAN is Not like, being in a Political Party or in a Social Club, my friend. It is Much More than that. It is a Lifetime Commitment; to Love GOD, our Creator with All our: Heart, Mind and Might [Matthew 22.37-40]; to take up our Cross to follow JESUS, daily,. [Luke 9.23-26] even to Hate our: father, mother, wife, children, brethren, sisters and our own Life [Luke 14.6]; meaning None/Nothing should find more importance in our Life than GOD. So that, WE can Enjoy; Eternal: LIFE, Rewards, Treasures in Heaven with GOD [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4]. Remember, GOD said 'They that Sow in Tears will Reap in Joy' [Psalms 126.5]. CHANGE if needed. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Friday, March 7, 2014
Death bothers you, my friend? Listen to this, beloved; JESUS Abolished DEATH, introduced LIFE and IMMORALITY, which WE All Love and Dream about; through Gospel, that is why JESUS/Gospel is Good News, for You, for I and for the Whole World [2 Timothy 2.10], [Luke 2.10]. Remember, No Man can Defy Death [Hebrews 9.27] but if You Receive JESUS and be in CHRIST, you become a New Creation, where Death can no longer have dominion over you [John 5.24], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. So, stop being Deceived and Victimized by the false and useless opinions of others, to Neglect and Reject; GOD's FREE Gift of Salvation/Eternal LIFE [Romans 6.23], [Romans 10.9-10]. So, just DO it. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

My brother, my sister and my dear friend: As the Value of Products/Services goes up; Importance of Knowing/Understanding its User Manual/Terms and Conditions becomes important too. Life GOD has given us, Mankind; is Not for Surviving and Completing it with: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death alone, as Misunderstood/Wrongly Believed by Billions across World but to Live and Accomplish Great and Wonderful things for us and GOD, says GOD, through HIS Word/BIBLE, HIS Instructions Manual for us; So that WE can Enjoy HIS HEAVEN, with Eternal: Rewards and Treasures too [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.20], [Mark 10.29-30], [Philippians 3.20-21], [Revelation 21.4]. So: Seek GOD, Master BIBLE, Please GOD, Accomplish More. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Thursday, March 6, 2014
My brother, my sister and my dear friend: You are in charge of your life. You are Responsible for your Future. No one else but you. So, stop blaming GOD/others. Remember, You can't Fail without your Consent and You can't Succeed without your Participation [Matthew 6.33]. That's why GOD made Salvation, Blessings; Individual/Personal/Choice. Giving us Information/BIBLE, Freewill and Freedom to Choose and Decide [Ecclesiastes 7.29], [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. My friend, though men try to control us physically at times, NO man or devil can control our Spirit or Soul from Reaching/Pleasing GOD [Nahum 1.7]. NONE can Monitor/Control what WE Believe/Reason, except GOD [Jeremiah 17.10], [1 Samuel 16.7]. So, seek GOD. Be SAVED.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
JESUS said: 1.Love your Enemies, 2.Bless them that Curse you, 3.Do good to them that Hate you, 4.Pray for them that despite-fully Use and Persecute you [Matthew 5.44]. Why? because HIS Kingdom and HIS Principles are not of this world! Though HIS Kingdom is Invisible for now, yet it is the only Eternal and Immortal Kingdom [John 18.36], [1 Timothy 1.17]. Beloved: if you follow, stand for JESUS/BIBLE, remember you will have Persecutions; because WE are called for it [John 16.33], [2 Timothy 3.12]. Never lose heart; Know this, 'They that sow in tears shall reap in Joy' [Psalms 126.5]. If you are in CHRIST, Your Life is yet to begin [Revelation 21.4], [Philippians 3.20-21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Humility is seed for Education; Education is seed for Knowledge; Knowledge is seed for Change; and Change is the seed for Success, Liberty and Glory [Proverbs 15.33], [Deuteronomy 32.10], [John 8.32], [Jeremiah 33.3]. My friend, in all your seeking Seek GOD/Knowledge [John 1.1]. If men's knowledge can impress us, how about GOD's, who created us, the mankind? Google gives us Sense Knowledge whereas BIBLE gives us Revelation Knowledge. Google gives us Worldly Knowledge whereas BIBLE gives us Divine Knowledge. Google informs about past and present whereas BIBLE the Future as well [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, March 3, 2014
GOD is our Healer [Exodus 15.26] And By the stripes of JESUS we are healed [1 Peter 2.24] My friend, GOD is Our Creator...He knows very well, what is wrong with us, and He is the same yesterday, today and forever [Hebrews 13.8] So seek, believe and obey HIM/BIBLE and be Healed, Delivered, Saved and Blessed [Jeremiah 33.3]

Beloved reading is a great Hobby, why? because it informs and at times it takes us instantly to different worlds in our spirit by inducing our imaginations through the author's writings, who is also a creation of GOD like you and I; whereas reading The HOLY BIBLE is not only like that but also it TRANSFORMS Anyone and Everyone forever who reads it with faith [Hebrews 4.2] and fills them with untold: Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Love, Joy, Peace and Hope [Psalms 119.165], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] because; it's Author is GOD our Creator HIMSELF [2 Timothy 3.16] that's why its full of Life and Power [Hebrews 4.12], [Psalms 19.7] Knowledge and Wisdom [Hosea 4.6] [Hosea 8.12] Truths and Promises [Matthew 5.18]. Go for it! Whoever you are, it is GOD's personal word/letter for you, while you are on earth. Sooner you: read, believe, obey and honor it the better for you, your family and yours.

Beloved, WE are three in one. Of all GOD's Creations WE, Mankind are the Crown [Psalms 139.14] with a: Body, Soul and Spirit [1 Thessalonians 5.23]; left on Earth by GOD, our Heavenly FATHER for a short-while to make our own Choices for our FUTURE in Heaven/Hell; giving us Absolute: 'Freedom', 'Freewill' and 'KNOWLEDGE/BIBLE' [Ecclesiastes 7.29], [John 3.16]. GOD has said Everything WE ever Need to know, in HIS Word/BIBLE. My friend, our: Feelings are the voice of our Body [Nehemiah 9.15], Reasoning is the voice of our Soul [1 Samuel 13.11-12], Conscience is the voice of our Spirit [Acts 27.43]. So, wake up to Listen/Receive from GOD/BIBLE [Hosea 4.6]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Beloved, When WE are 'FREE' to Choose either: POSITIVE or negative, GOD or devil, PEACE or frustration, Eternal: LIFE or Death, Blessings or curses; Why not Choose the GOOD instead of bad? Why not Join WINNERS instead of losers? Isn't it a Great Opportunity to Choose HEAVEN by simply Accepting JESUS, GOD's FREE GIFT of Salvation [Romans 6.23], [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Even if You were WRONG by following BIBLE, You Lose NOTHING, for having Lived a GOOD LIFE but on the Other hand, what if You were Right? Won't it be a Great Pleasant Surprise too? So, even in your Doubting, Doubt: Devil, Men, Flesh but Not: GOD, Creator & HIS Word/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

Saturday, March 1, 2014
Love is the key for Happiness my friend. Love has no boundaries. Love is Divine [1 John 4.8] That is why JESUS asked us to Love even our enemies [Matthew 5.44]. So love Everyone around. Remember GOD has always given us something to give others. It may be our: kindness, forgiveness, time, knowledge, wisdom or whatever... The sign and Proof of Love is when our passion to give exceeds; our passion to receive... We cannot be in LOVE with someone without GIVING something GOOD and Valuable!!!! JESUS LOVES us, that is why HE gave HIS very Life on the cross of Calvary without even us asking for it my brother, my sister and my dear friend [Matthew 28.5-6]. HE gave HIS Word saying there are many Mansions in HIS FATHER's House, and HE is preparing one for us [John 14.2-3] and HE is Coming back [Acts 1.11] to take us Home [Philippians 3.20-21]. What a Great Joy! That is Divine LOVE beloved.

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