DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
GOD is Just [Romans 2.11]. GOD is Unchanging [Malachi 3.6]. GOD is True [Titus 1.2]. GOD goes by HIS Word/BIBLE [Psalms 89.34]. So, GOD is Reliable and Trustworthy. Faith in GOD is the only way WE/Mankind can reach and receive from GOD, our Breakthrough. Your Miracle is in your Faith in GOD/It is in your own hands. Faith can penetrate through time; You can be in your future through your faith. Faith is moving with GOD, making use of HIS POWER and AUTHORITY [John 14.12]. Faith can DO what might and power cannot. Wisdom of the world is Foolishness to GOD and viceversa. So, it is imperative to become a fool in the sight of the world in order to become wise in GOD’s sight. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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