DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
My friend, There's no Emotional: pain/prison like being in Wrong Relationship for Ignorance/Negligence, saying 'old practices,. traditions'. Plagues Scared/Scare Mankind until Vaccines were/are found. Once JESUS died for Mankind, it is 'FINISHED', flood gate is Open now for 'Eternal Life' with immediate Joy, Peace and Endless Hope, through HIM [Luke 2.10], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Billions are in: Tears, Pains, Sorrows with Hopeless End, not because GOD doesn't Care for them but they Chose/Choose Not to be: Delivered, Saved, Blessed [Deuteronomy 30.19]. Anyone/Anything makes 'Sin' look Good is a Deceiver/Deception [Revelation 12.9]. So, Wake up. Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Beloved, be who you are; say what you feel, because those who mind doesn't matter and those who matter won't mind. There is a priceless beauty in telling truth. There is no one else like you in the universe before or will ever be in the future. You are unique, so be like you [Psalms 139.14]. Copying or pretending like others will rob away the purpose for your very being here. That's why GOD/BIBLE says 'Lying lips are an Abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are His Delight' [Proverbs 12.22]. Remember, one lie will lead to another and that will become a never ending thing; making you lose your self respect and identity before men and becoming an Abomination to GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Beloved, More of the same will only get you more of the same. Change of outputs Need change of inputs. Repeated failures/setbacks in any walk of life, is nothing but a sign and proof of us Ignoring something very important what GOD wants [Isaiah 1.19-20]. That's why GOD commands us to Keep HIM/BIBLE in our Mouth continually, to Meditate upon it day and night and to Do exactly what it says; so that WE can be Successful [Joshua 1.8]; and to 'commit to HIM/LORD whatever WE do, so that our plans will Succeed [Proverbs 16:3]. Ignoring/Neglecting GOD, directly/indirectly will eventually lead us to failure/defeat. So, Listen to GOD/BIBLE in order to be Prosperous, Successful. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Beloved, there are more number of Stars in the sky than dust on earth [Psalms 19.1]. There are more number of Angels around than devils [Isaiah 14.13], [Luke 10.18]. There are more number of GOD Encoded Intelligence around to be Decoded by World Scientist Community yet, than what they have Discovered/Invented so far [Deuteronomy 29.29], [Jeremiah 33.3]. In short what the World knows so far is just the tip of a Gigantic GOD kept Knowledge Mountain; yet to be Known. My friend, Everything what WE: See, Hear, Touch Feel,..has a producer/supplier; similarly You and I, have ONE, HE is GOD, Our Creator [Isaiah 46.9-10]. So: Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor HIM/BIBLE for your own GOOD. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Check your associations; Walk away, Change priorities; when people Impose things on you, Enslave you under Any pretext, Except your Parents, which also in the LORD [Ephesians 6.1]. Those who: Defend, Appreciate, Promote your Enemy is not your friend. WE are bought with a Great Price, WE Owe everything to GOD/JESUS, not to men. So, Follow JESUS, not men; Don't be: Misled, Enslaved, Bound, Fooled, Deceived by men. Remember, GOD/BIBLE says 'My people are Destroyed for lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6]. So, Master BIBLE. Be well Informed. Once SAVED [Romans 10.9-10], You are also a Legitimate Child of GOD [John 1.12]. So: Think like it, Talk like it, Act like it and Live like it. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
My friend, Everyone of us is Precious and Priceless to GOD because there has never been a You before in Past or will ever be in Future. You are the first GOD created and You will be the last. So: Think, Talk and Act like it, Praising GOD. Thank GOD for having created You in HIS own Image and Likeness; with an Unique: Look, Voice, Smell, Shape, Size, Nature,. [Psalms 139.14]. That's why GOD sent JESUS to SAVE us and that's why GOD/BIBLE warns us saying, What will it profit a man even if he gains the Whole world and lose his own Soul? [Matthew 16.26]. Even before the creation of Universe GOD knew us and prepared Heaven for us, provided WE Listen to HIM. So, Believe GOD and DO what BIBLE says. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Beloved, Changing seat in a bus may just change your view, but not your destination. Similarly living a hypocritical life; pleasing/fooling: men may take you to places but not into GOD's book of Remembrance and Rewards [Hebrews 6.10], [John 6.27-29]. Many of us are under the FALSE impression that GOD doesn't know Everything. They are Wrong; know this for sure; even before WE could: Think, Talk, Intend and Do something; GOD knows them Exactly to the core [Isaiah 46.10], [Psalms 139.1-3], [Jeremiah 17.10], [Luke 1.36]. So, STOP Fooling/Deceiving you. CHANGE course. Become and continue to be Real and Serious; Praising and Pleasing GOD and GOD alone. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
How would you Feel, when your Son/Daughter Ignores/Neglects You to address, own, celebrate some liar/murderer/thief out there in streets as their 'Dad/Father'? That is how GOD feels, when WE remain: Ungrateful, Disrespectful, Arrogant, Doubting and Impatient with GOD [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6]. Like any other product/service out there has a producer/supplier; You and I have a Creator/Master, HE is GOD, HE deserves our: Devotion, Praise, Worship and Honor. Ignoring/Neglecting GOD will eventually make you a: loser, failure, fool [King Saul]. Obeying, Believing, Worshiping, Honoring, Pleasing GOD will catapult you to Success, Peace and Glory [King David]. So Welcome, Worship GOD. Truth. wisdom. choice.
Monday, September 22, 2014
My friend, Don't feel Happy and Encourage those who gossip with you, the same people will gossip about you with them, others, later; instead Gospel with them, share about JESUS [Matthew 28.19-20], and BIBLE's Awesome Promises, with them; in that process either you will Save them from Eternal Death or get rid of unhealthy friendships/fellowships. Remember, Anyone who Lie/Steal for you will Lie/Steal from you someday. So, be it known to you, what one sows one reaps but in multifold [Galatians 6.7-8]. So know for sure what WE Do for others will eventually come back to US but in a BIG way [Matthew 6.31]. So, STOP: Hurting Yourself/Generating Loss. Repent. Change. Be a Blessing. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Beloved, Removing GOD/BIBLE from Anything will leave that thing Lifeless. Be it your: Marriage, Family, Business, Friendship,.; because GOD is: Life, Peace, Joy, Hope,... When GOD is Unwelcome, Life is Removed. GOD won't open doors of Wisdom to those who keep their: BIBLE and Mind shut [Psalms 14.1]. True Humility and Respect for GOD leads one to: Riches, Honor and Long life [Proverbs 22.4]. More you Welcome/Worship GOD, More You will: See, hear, perceive things you haven't: seen, heard, perceived before. [Jeremiah 33.3]. My friend, GOD is our CREATOR, man is HIS creation. Creation cannot be greater than its Creator. So, Worship GOD, Believe and Obey HIM/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, September 20, 2014
Most of the problems WE face in life comes, continues to be in our life because of two reasons, my friend. WE Act without Thinking and WE keep thinking, thinking Without Acting. Know this, taking NO Action is also an Action. This is why GOD/BIBLE says 'My people are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6]. So, Master the BIBLE, know what it says Thoroughly. Keep updating You depending on GOD/BIBLE [Jeremiah 33.3]. Remember, JESUS said 'Ask, Seek, Knock' [Matthew 7.7] why? then only you will know what you should know. Because Information is: Everything, Priceless [Proverbs 16.16]. So, Seek GOD and Walk away from all forms of EVIL so that you can reduce your Problems. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Friday, September 19, 2014
My friend, Until you manage your emotions, don't expect to effectively manage your Money; in short you need to become Emotionless, Ignoring, Neglecting: GOD and men, to be Temporarily Rich in this world, without Peace, deep within [Matthew 5.39-48]. Know this, LOVE of Money is the Root of ALL EVIL [1 Timothy 6.10-12]. That's why JESUS said that NO one can Serve two masters and Not to Worry about tomorrow [Matthew 6.24 & 34]. Remember, Life on earth is Temporary with: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death but not in Eternity in Heaven; but the thing is, our Life led on earth will only Qualify us for Eternal life in Heaven or Hell [John 6.27-29]. So, Wake up, Please GOD. CHANGE, if necessary. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Beloved, Check your: Associations, Inclinations, Interests and Priorities; in all walks of your life. Check/Know very well what goes into your Mind, Heart. GOD says 'Guard your Hearts' with all Diligence, for out of it are the issues of Life [Proverbs 4.23]; Why? Because our Thoughts are the original source of all our: wealth, success, material gain, great discoveries and inventions, and all achievements in life, if they are POSITIVE; if NEGATIVE, that will Lead You to: Dullness, Depression, Destruction and premature Death. So, Wake up. Surround YOU with: Life, Strength, Joy, Peace, Hope; in other words with GOD/BIBLE [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
My friend, Not only all Wrongdoings are SIN but also Not doing the Right things are SIN, as well [James 4.17]. So, Don't be under the impression by Not: Lying, Stealing, Cheating,. you are Not Sinning, you could be Sinning by Not telling the Truth as well [Matthew 5.37]. For a very short life on Earth how many books we: Read, Research, Study, Discuss, Memorize in life. If that is the case how much we must be: Reading, Researching, Memorizing, Discussing and Sharing GOD's Word the BIBLE in order to Enter into Heaven for Eternity; where there won't be: Tears, Pains, Sorrows or Death. Common Sense, beloved. So, Know/Do what you are supposed to do before too late [Hosea 8.12], [James 1.22]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Beloved, Don't be DECEIVED. Stop mistaking man given title and position for GOD'S approval and authority [Hosea 4.6]. GOD goes by HIS Word [Psalms 89.34]. The day will come WE all will be aptly Rewarded [Revelation 22.11-12]. Remember; WE can't serve two masters [Matthew 6.24]. Either GOD/money. GOD hates what is highly Esteemed in men's sight [Luke 16.15]. So, world's pleasure and approval is not GOD'S. And GOD warns, friendship with the world is enmity with GOD [James 4.4]. My friend, GOD's Kingdom is not of this world [John 18.36]. Our Citizenship is in Heaven [Philippians 3.20]. So, Run away from the World and work for your Eternity in Heaven [John 6.27-29]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Physical world is the product of Spirit world. What We: see, hear, touch, taste, feel and Enjoy/Suffer was once someone's imagination and desire, perhaps yours too. GOD is a Spirit. Angels and Demons are Spirits. WE are Spirits. So the origin of physical world is spirit world. Life changes, as we change our heroes or priorities. What we: adore, praise, worship; influences and determines our destiny directly or indirectly, sooner or latter. What we welcome or what we reject, knowingly or unknowingly, results in our Well being or ill being. GOD/BIBLE for GOOD and devil/world for EVIL. So, check your associations, before it Destroys You. [Matthew 6.24], [Luke 16.15], [James 4.4]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Cancer, Carbon monoxide are not Worse killers when compared to IGNORANCE, beloved. If WE ever Realize what GOD has Done and Promised us when WE Listen to GOD; Seeking, Obeying, Honoring, Pleasing, Loving GOD won't be a Problem at all, rather it will become Spontaneous and a great Pleasure indeed because in Heaven there Won't be: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and DEATH, what a JOY [Luke 2.10], [Revelation 21.4]. Often words seem inadequate when WE try to convey our feelings, gratitude to GOD when WE understand this Awesome Truth. Remember, GOD gave us Life, countless Opportunities,. Eternal Life in Heaven [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10]. So, Know GOD, know LIFE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
People don't look at what You Believe but of course they look at how you Behave. Most people don't read BIBLES they read your life, because you claim you are a Christian, the only BIBLE to them might be You. So be: Serious, Sincere, Responsible. Remember, JESUS said 'let your light shine before men, that they may see Your GOOD Works and Glorify Your FATHER in Heaven' [Matthew 5.16]. My friend, Cost of a Soul is Priceless [Matthew 16.26]. Let not your Temporary: Possession, Position, Power DECEIVE you of Eternal: Life, Rewards, Riches. What WE: See, Hear, Touch, Feel,. is NOT Permanent but what WE DON'T. Wake up. Be a Role Model. DO what you Must DO. [James 1.22]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Friday, September 12, 2014
Beloved, Real Success is success with Your Self, first. Success is not just in having things, but in having: Mastery and Victory over You [Proverbs 16.32]. Our 'Self' can be our: Best Friend or Worst Enemy based on Whom WE Welcome/Worship from within. GOD is GOOD; HE leads us to: Love, Joy, Peace, Hope and Eternal Life whereas Devil is Evil; he leads one to Confusion, Depression, Deception, Darkness and Eternal Death. More WE Welcome, Worship GOD; All Negatives DIE from our: Body, Soul, Spirit birthing Positives; Reviving our Life because it is GOD who gave us Life and HE is the only Creator, Sustainer and Ruler of LIFE. So, SEEK GOD/BIBLE to find Abundant LIFE [John 10.10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Beloved, Time is always Right to do Right things and Life has NO remote controllers, so get up and change it yourself [Ecclesiastes 3.1-8]. Taking NO action is also an action, my friend. Remember, WE Won't be here on Earth, Forever. Someday Everyone WE Love and Everything WE Enjoy will Leave us Forever. So, Ask yourself: Who am I, Why am I here and Where will I go? once DEAD and LOST my Right to Choose. Ignoring, Neglecting, Rebelling GOD or Believing, Obeying, Sharing BIBLE is a Choice, Now. Once DEAD, GOD will have HIS right to Choose where to Dispose us either in Heaven or Hell, for Eternity. So: Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor and Please GOD our Creator Now [Isaiah 66.2]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Beloved, Inputs determine Outputs. WE can't change Fruits without changing Roots. WE can't sow Hatred expecting to Reap LOVE or sow Evil expecting to Reap GOOD. So, Check your Associations! Who Feeds Your Mind, Drives Your Life? My friend, What You: Read, Watch, Listen, Meditate and Who You Hang out with, Listen to and Trust; matters a lot. GOD/BIBLE and Godly folks leads us to: Protection, Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Provision, Love, Joy, Peace, Hope and Life Eternal whereas worldly folks who live in Spiritual Darkness are Devil driven, who himself a Liar and father of Lies, who specializes in Deception and Destruction [John 8.44]. So, Change Priorities. Seek GOD to Enjoy Life Now and Forever [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.51]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
My friend, You can do things which I can't; I can do things which You can't; Together WE can DO Great things, because WE are all Unique in nature; loaded with Gifts and Talents which WE often Don't realize [Psalms 139.14]. That's why GOD/BIBLE says there is Power in Oneness and asks us to: Accept, Respect, Love Everyone, saying 'Do unto Others what You would have them do unto You' because WE all Share the same FATHER who Created us in HIS own Image and Likeness, expecting us to be: Fruitful and like HIM [Luke 6.31], [Genesis 1.26-27]. Know this, GOD is: Love, Just, Holy, Kind, Merciful, Graceful,.. whereas Devil is EVIL. What flows out of us proves who Drives us. So, Welcome GOD for: Love, Joy,. Peace. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Beloved, You are Not Empty handed and NO one is Empty handed too. GOD has Deposited something Great and Wonderful in Every one of us. Because, WE are Not only Fearfully and Wonderfully made but also in GOD's own Image and Likeness [Psalms 139.14], [Genesis 1.26-27]. So, Discover, Develop and Deploy your Gifts and Talents before too late. Use it also for the Kingdom of GOD, so that they will fetch Eternal: Rewards and Treasures too. You build GOD's house, GOD will build yours. Remember, All our Works have to pass through: Ridicule, Opposition, and Acceptance. Initially people may make Fun of You, then Oppose You but Finally they will Accept You. Because You are a Child of GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, September 7, 2014
Every Word WE Speak, Every thing WE Do sends out a Message to the world [Exodus 20.7]. Every time WE Interact with someone WE preach a sermon without us realizing. WE have only two Eyes, Ears but Many eyes,ears are Watching, Listening; Never Forget that. But only a few gives us honest Feedback/Wise advice, so that WE can Change/Improve but many don't, which doesn't mean they didn't take note of what we did/do, simply they decline to do so because they no longer believe we would ever change. So Self Examine, Self Control. STOP USING People. Stop LOVING things. Be: Just, Fair and Kind [Hosea 6.6]. Remember, there is a Payday, says GOD/BIBLE [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. So, CHANGE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Beloved, STOP spending too much of your Precious: Time, Talents, Treasures only on what is Seen, URGENT while Ignoring, Neglecting what is UNSEEN but very IMPORTANT. Someday Everyone and Everything WE: Love/Enjoy today will LEAVE us Forever, when WE close our Eyes to World while Opening it for Eternity in DEATH; then GOD whom WE have not seen yet and Most Important of all will be SEEN,.. Books will be Opened, Questions will be Asked, Names will be Called, Rewards will be Distributed, Settlements will be Done in Heaven or Hell Forever [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Daniel 12.2]. So, Wake up. Know what You should: Know, DO NOW to Find Yourself in Heaven [Romans 10.9-10]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Friday, September 5, 2014
Billions out there continue to be in: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and even prematurely DIE/Destroyed because of Ignorance [Hosea 4.6]. They try to Solve Spiritual problems with Physical means, which will never ever work. GOD is a Spirit, WE HIS Children whom GOD created in HIS own Image and Likeness are Spirit beings as well but in Human bodies for now [John 4.24], [Genesis 1.26-27], [Genesis 2.7]. So, Ignoring/Neglecting/Disobeying GOD/BIBLE Directly/Indirectly will result in LOSS of: Peace, Rest and Safety because GOD is the only source of: Peace, Joy, Hope and Safety. Remember, Removing GOD from Anywhere is simply Removing LIFE from there. So, Wake up, Welcome and Worship GOD. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Beloved, Relationships are more important than Worldly Accomplishments. So STOP running only behind: Money, Men, Materials; Neglecting/Ignoring: GOD, Family and Friends. Worldly Accomplishments will Never accompany us when WE die. Worldly Accomplishments will Never get us into Heaven. Worldly Accomplishments are a Never Ending Deception. It will keep us occupied until our Health/Time is spent, then you may feel Sorry for having Not spent quality time with GOD, Family and Friends. Too much of Anything is Dangerous, so be Balanced [Ecclesiastes 7.16-17]. Wake up to LIVE your life side by side giving GOD and men their time [Matthew 22.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
I am too busy now, I am in a meeting, I will call you back, I will think about it, I need more time; Rejecting the call, Switching off our Phones; will Never Work when DEATH calls us, my friend. DEATH is Scary only to UNSAVED folks who are yet to Know JESUS as their personal Savior whereas it is Dream come true for them who are SAVED [2 Corinthians 5.17], [2 Corinthians 5.8]. So, Know/Share this Priceless Urgent Truth to Everyone saying, DEATH is Not our End but Transition into Eternity; and Warn them to be SAVED/SAFE immediately [Romans 10.9-10] and Work for their Eternity in Heaven, Heaping Eternal: Treasures, Rewards [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [Matthew 5.19]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Beloved, STOP wasting your Feelings on people/devil who never value them. Some people Change, Some Don't but Some Never will. Selfish they grow, Selfish they live, selfish they die. Possessions, Positions, Power are their gods. They Love THINGS, they USE people because they are Blinded/Ruled by devil [2 Corinthians 4.4]. So, STOP Waiting Indefinitely, Wasting your precious Time/Emotions on them; rather Turn to GOD who LOVED, LOVE and will always LOVE us until WE have the right to Choose. GOD is Eagerly Waiting for us [Revelation 3.20], [John 3.16], [Revelation 21.4]. So: Seek GOD/BIBLE, Believe HIM, Obey HIM, Befriend/Celebrate HIM [John 15.14]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Beloved, NO one LOVES us like GOD, because GOD LOVED us, even before WE Knew/Heard of HIM [Jeremiah 1.5]. Proof of that is Without us Asking/Requesting HE Created us, Gave us numerous Opportunities/Blessings and HE Passed us where Adam Failed, by Killing HIS only Son JESUS. Now by simply Believing JESUS as our Savior HE Guarantees us Heaven and Co-Heir-ship with HIM [Romans 8.17]. Wow, What an Offer/Joy! My friend, Devil has NO Good role in our LIFE except to: Lie, Deceive, Steal, Kill, Destroy [John 8.44 & 10.10], [Revelation 12.9]. So, Never Lose Yourself while trying to hold on to someone who always wanted your Destruction. So: Seek, Obey GOD/BIBLE. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.
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