DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, March 30, 2015
Greatest Tragedy is Knowing the Truth/BIBLE and Not applying it [Hosea 4.6]. Many who are in Hospitals, Sick, Pain, Tears.. and towards Eternal DEATH are Prisoners of their own False/Wrong Thoughts. Remember, You are the Reflection of your own Thoughts. So, become a Custodian of your Thought Life. Nothing changes in your life until you change your thoughts. The first base of Change in your Life is the way you Think. So, be open to Correction, be open to Information [Jeremiah 33.3]. Decide to Think Right in line with BIBLE/GOD your Creator [John 3.16], [Luke 1.37], [Philippians 4.13]. You Don't need a Change of City, Job or Partner because with the Same Mindset you will Create the Same atmosphere even if you change the City, Job or Partner but a CHANGE of MINDSET. You might be just one Corrective thought away from your Breakthrough [Romans 12.2], [John 8.32]. Remember, GOD cannot be with us if WE don't think the way HE Thinks [Isaiah 55.8-9]. So Wake up to Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE Now to be: Delivered, Healed, Saved and Blessed Now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
NO: Angel, Animal, Demon or Creation can Address/Consider GOD as: Dad, Abba, Papa,. or Father but only You and I, who are Created in GOD's own Image and Likeness; as long as WE receive GOD's FREE Gift of Salvation through LORD JESUS [Genesis 1.26 & 2.7], [John 1.12], [1 John 3.1]. What Billions of people out there Never: Know, Understand or Believe is, Whatever GOD/BIBLE Promises and Warns will Happen only when WE are DEAD and Gone but Unfortunately then, After Death; SEEING, KNOWING, BELIEVING GOD/BIBLE; WE cannot come back and Re Live our Life on Earth once again, in order to: Receive, Qualify, Accomplish those Priceless Eternal Gifts and Things [Luke 16.20-31], [Matthew 6.19-20], [John 6.27-29], [2 Corinthians 5.8]. So, Wake up my friend, be SAVED, SAFE and Heaven bound before too Late [Romans 10.9-10]. Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE NOW or NEVER. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
WE brought Nothing and WE carry Nothing Physically but Of course SPIRITUALLY [Hebrews 11.23], [Jeremiah 1.5], [Matthew 6.19-20], [Mark 10.29-30]. WE have only one Body but WE can carry/lodge More than one Spirit in us [Luke 8.2], [Acts 8.7]. It is that Spirit which WE Welcome/Entertain Drives us from within; If GOD for GOOD, if Devil for EVIL [Matthew 4.1], [Acts 19.16]. Know this, GOD is a Spirit but GOD is LOVE [John 4.24], [1 John 4.8], Whereas Devil is also a Spirit but EVIL [Hebrews 1.14], [John 8.44 & 10.10]. Moreover WE are Spirit beings too, living in Human bodies for a time, Preparing for our Eternity in Heaven or Hell; that's why WE can: Attract, Retain, Entertain and Expel Spirits from within [Genesis 2.7], [Revelation 3.20], [1 John 4.4], [Revelation 22.11-12]. So, Check what Drives You from within Carefully, LOVE/EVIL so that you can know who Drives YOU? Beloved, DEATH is Not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity for GLORY or shame based on Our Own CHOICE and DECISION we make when GOD has given us the Right to Choose NOW when we are Alive on Earth [Daniel 12.2-3], [Galatians 6.7-8]. So, Wake up my friend. Know what you must Know before too late. So Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, March 27, 2015
People: Think, Intend, Speak, Do whatever: Bad, Evil, Injustice, Sin they Like, Want, Choose because they have: Position, Possession, Power, Chance; NEVER Know/Believe that right from Adam until the last man on earth would Rise or Resurrect on Last to day to Stand before GOD for Final Judgement to give an Individual Account of him/her and then Face their Eternity either in Heaven or Hell [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Hebrews 9.27], [Matthew 25.41], [Revelation 22.11-22]. My precious brother/sister Know for Sure that DEATH is Not End of our Existence but Beginning of our Chosen/Lived Life on Earth when we had the Right to CHOOSE [Deuteronomy 30.15 & 19]. So, DEATH is WE being Transitioned into Eternity [Daniel 12.2-3], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. So, WAKE Up. CHANGE/REPENT. Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE, my friend. GOD is coming with our Rewards. So, STOP being SINCERELY WRONG, Wasting all your Priceless Opportunities to Fix and Put your Life in Order before it is too late [Hosea 4.6]. Truth. Wisdom Choice.
Rejecting and Removing GOD or BIBLE from Any Equation will eventually End up Without: LIFE, LOVE and LIGHT because GOD is: Life [Romans 4.17], GOD is Love [1 John 4.8], GOD is Light or Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding and Revelation [James 1.17], [Jeremiah 33.3]. Animals move by Instinct whereas WE the Mankind grow by Learning and It is GOD who: Teaches us knowledge [Psalms 37.30 & 94.10], GOD who Gives us the ability to get Wealth [Deuteronomy 8.18], GOD who Gives us Peace [Philippians 4.6-7], GOD who Gives us Rest [Matthew 11.28]. GOD who Gives us Hope [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18] but the Devil comes Only to: Accuse, Deceive, Destroy, Lie, Murder, Kill, Steal,. [John 8.44 & 10.10], [Revelation 12.9-10]. GOD is GOOD but Devil is EVIL. So, wake up my friend to Welcome GOD/BIBLE [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [John 3.16]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
GOD Knows Exactly what You are Going to: go Through and going to Think, even before You DO because GOD Knows the End from the Beginning and GOD looks at the Hearts of Mankind [Isaiah 46.10], [Psalms 94.8-10], [1 Samuel 16.7]. Beloved, so Seeking, Believing, Depending and LOVING/OBEYING GOD/BIBLE is the Wisest and the Best option we have! Loving GOD means nothing but OBEYING GOD's Word, the HOLY BIBLE [John 14.23]. Please DO it. Did you know? GOD says 'Do Not Worry about Anything', Why? Because Everything: Good, Bad and Ugly happens in the Lives of those who LOVE or OBEY GOD will turn to be their own GOOD because GOD said it, GOD will DO it, NO Matter what [Philippians 4.6], [Romans 8.28]. Know this for sure that EVERYTHING is Possible with GOD, GOD cannot LIE and GOD cannot Change [Luke 1.37], [Malachi 3.6], [Titus 1.2]. So, whatever GOD/BIBLE says will come to pass [Job 42.2]. Remember, Heaven and Earth may pass away but Not HIS Words, says GOD [Matthew 5.18]. So LOVE/OBEY GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Minds and Mouths are the two custodians of our Present and Future; before GOD and before men. What WE Believe and what WE Speak makes and keeps who WE are and who WE ever will be [Romans 10.9-10]. Right Knowledge/BIBLE leads to Right Belief which in turn flows out as Love/Kindness/Right words;Touching and Transforming Lives/Souls around [Matthew 12.34], [Matthew 5.44]. My friend, Our Mindsets are like Softwares which can be Updated and Upgraded as and when we Choose, that's why JESUS/BIBLE says to the Unsaved world to 'Be BORN AGAIN' and to the Saved/Church to 'Be RENEWED in your Mind' in order Enter into Heaven for Eternity and Along with Rewards and Treasures too [John 3.5], [Romans 12.2], [Matthew 6.19-20], [John 6.27-29]. So, Reset YOU or Your MINDSET with Right: Knowledge, Belief and Words welcoming GOD/BIBLE [Revelation 3.20], [Matthew 5.18], [Jeremiah 33.3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Most common Trick or LIE of the Devil is, Repeatedly telling you that 'You are a Failure, You are Not Loved, You will Never Win, No body wants You, Your Life is Over, and so on and so forth; telling all sorts of Negative things about you, reminding all your bad past'; trying to Discourage and Convince you that Everything Good in your Life is OVER and GOD doesn't Love or Care for You Anymore [John 8.44, 10.10], [Revelation 12.9-10]. Beloved, its just a routine LIE of the Devil, DON'T Believe it. Truth of the matter is, GOD LOVES YOU very MUCH [John 3.16]. Remember, If GOD can Kill HIS only Begotten Son for You and I, will HE Not or Ever Hesitate to Restore, Rebuild and Renew us, as long as we Repent and Seek HIM? [[Revelation 13.8], [1 John 1.9]. My friend know this for sure; GOD can DO the Miracle you have been desperately looking for or dreaming for since long even in your 59th minute's 59th second! [Luke 23.43]. So, Don't Lose heart or Don't be shy to approach JESUS [Joel 2.26]. GOD/BIBLE says According to 'Your Faith' [Matthew 9.28-29]. So, Believe in JESUS and Receive your Miracle Now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Beloved, as much as GOD is Real, Devil is Real too [Isaiah 46.9-10], [ 1 Peter 5.8]. Devil is not Afraid of Guns and Bombs but very much Scared of Praying Knees and Praising Tongues [Acts 16.25-26]. My brother/Sister You can: Slow, Stop, Confuse, Blind, Paralyze and Destroy your Enemies, be it Physical or Spiritual; simply by Fasting and Praying in Faith [Matthew 17.21]. Know this, Authorities Action Whenever Complaints are Lodged. Similarly, GOD INTERVENES whenever HE is Praised, Prayed to in Faith [2 Chronicles 20.20-24]. Remember, GOD is not our uncle or step father but FATHER and Friend who gave us LIFE and LOVES us a lot [Matthew 6.9], [John 15.13-15]. So, STOP Ignoring, Neglecting, Rejecting, Betraying GOD/BIBLE for Lack of Knowledge, Listening to the LIES of the Devil [John 8.44 & 10.10]. GOD is Our EVERYTHING, Wake up to Seek, Know, Learn, Believe, Obey, Please, Honor and Worship HIM/BIBLE. The more you welcome GOD/BIBLE the more you will be Delivered, Healed, Restored, Renewed and Blessed. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
If a sea turtle can live for 500 years, an olive tree can live for 1000 plus years, and the dust on earth since its creation; WE Mankind who are created in GOD's very Own Image and Likeness are meant only to live less than 100 years [Genesis 1.26]? NO, Not at all. My friend, that's a LIE of the Devil, Don't Believe it [John 8.44]. WE are meant to Live Forever, Like: GOD, Angels, Demons who are SPIRITS! [John 4.24], [Hebrews 1.14], [Isaiah 14.12-14]. Beloved, WE are Spirit beings too but in Human Bodies, as long as DEATH separates our Spirit and Soul from our Body from this temporary life on earth [Genesis 2.7], [Ecclesiastes 12.7]. Once DEAD our SPIRIT and Soul will be Liberated from our Body and let into Eternity [2 Corinthians 5.8]. Then on WE will Live Forever either in Heaven or in Hell, very strictly based on our own personal Choice to Believe and Obey GOD/BIBLE now to LIVE in HEAVEN or to Ignore, Neglect and Reject in Disobedience of BIBLE/GOD to end up only in HELL [Revelation 22.11-12], [Revelation 21.4], [Matthew 25.41]. So, Wake up my friend and be SAVED and LIVE forever [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
Everyone will: Know, Believe that GOD and HIS Word, the Holy BIBLE is 100% True when they DIE or Stand before GOD's Judgment seat [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Those who: Know, Believe and Obey GOD/BIBLE now will CELEBRATE then Forever, Rest will Regret Forever [Daniel 12.2-3], [Revelation 21.4]. Beloved, it is Not how you began your Life but how you FINISH only matters [2 Timothy 4.7-8]. Know this for Sure that Our Right to Choose what WE Enjoy or Exercise now will be LOST Forever when we DIE on this earth, that's why GOD/BIBLE says my People are Destroyed for lack of Knowledge and Knowledge is Matchless [Hosea 4.6], [Proverbs 8.11]. Remember, LIFE on Earth is short and just only once but this is what will Decide your Eternity either in Heaven or of course in Hell based only on your Personal Response to GOD's Word/BIBLE and Personal Relationship with GOD/JESUS, Now [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. So WAKE UP, Please: Seek, Listen, Learn, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE Now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Funniest thing is, The Devil who FOOLS the whole world by: Lying, Murdering, Stealing, Killing, Destroying, Deceiving,..; BELIEVES in GOD and TREMBLE [John 8.44 & 10.10], [Revelation 12.9], [James 2.19] Whereas WE human beings who are Created in GOD'S Own Image and Likeness, to be called as GOD's Own Children and Live Forever in Heaven with GOD, Often keep believing the LIES of Devil to: Ignore, Neglect, Reject GOD's Priceless GIFT of Salvation; living like Slaves to Devil for lack of Knowledge about GOD and HIS Word, The Holy BIBLE [Genesis 1.26-27], [Hosea 4.6]. My friend, Life is Not short but Life on earth alone is short [James 4.14]. So, Wake up. Believe in GOD/BIBLE and be SAVED so that you too can Live Forever, in Heaven without: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and DEATH. Please Accept LORD JESUS as your personal Savior today, which is being SAVED, tomorrow may be too late [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Time, Talents, Treasures GOD has given us are SEEDS [Jeremiah 26.14], [Deuteronomy 8.18], [Jeremiah 27.5]. WE can bake, boil and Eat them or bag, bottle and Keep them or Sow in GOOD or bad ground to INVEST or waste it respectively. So, Eat the Fruits but Sow the SEEDS. My friend, WE all live a very Uncertain LIFE not knowing what may be our Next moment [James 4.14]. Remember, WE have, we had and we LOST many things so far but Whatever WE gave for GOD/GOD's Kingdom directly or indirectly in Faith and in Obedience is still Safe in GOD's hands, with Greatest Appreciation Ever [Mark 10.29-30]. Beloved, Know this very well, What we SOW now We will REAP someday, after our DEATH or in Eternity [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Daniel 12.2-3], [Galatians 6.7-8]. DEATH is Not the END of our Existence but the Beginning of it [John 5.29], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. So Fear GOD/BIBLE. Do what HE says; to begin with; be SAVED so that you can walk into Heaven for Eternity, if Not of course to Hell, so wake up! Do what You must DO, before too late [Acts 4.12], [John 3.16], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. Moreover, you can become and be RICH in Heaven from now on, which will be Forever [Matthew 6.19-20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
First thing what GOD gave Adam was Knowledge [Genesis 2.17]. First thing what JESUS gave was Knowledge [Luke 4.18]. First and Last thing what Angels gave was Knowledge [Luke 2.10], [Acts 1.10-11]. First and Last thing what JESUS gave after HIS Resurrection was Knowledge [John 20.17], [Matthew 28.18-20]. WHY? Because Knowledge is PRICELESS, says GOD/BIBLE [Proverbs 16:16, 23:23]. GOD is Knowledge and HIS Word the Holy BIBLE is Knowledge and GOD Imparts Knowledge through HIS Word and through Revelation, when WE Seek HIM wholeheartedly [Isaiah 46.10], [John 1.1], [Jeremiah 33.3], [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. GOD Never said 'My people are Destroyed for Lack of: Money, Prayer or Holiness but Knowledge [Hosea 4.6]. So, Knowledge is LIFE. Beloved, Real GOD planned or GOD kept Eternal LIFE Without: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and DEATH begins only after our Natural or Physical DEATH [Revelation 21.4]. So, Don't be Scared of DEATH, because DEATH is Not the END of our Existence but Transition into our Eternity but Be Very Scared of DEATH without JESUS because without JESUS there is NO entry into Heaven or Eternal Life [John 3.16], [John 3.5], [John 5.29], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10]. So, Please Read BIBLE first and DO what it says Exactly. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Cholera, Leprosy, Malaria, Polio,.Terrorized Mankind only until WE Mankind developed Medicines and Vaccines. What Delivered them from Fear? Knowledge. Centuries ago People had no clue about: Electricity, Light Bulb, TV, Internet, Automobile, Air Plane, Cell Phone,.. What made the Difference? Knowledge!!! that's all. Similarly even today DEATH Terrorizes Mankind only until they Accept JESUS as their LORD and SAVIOR [Revelation 3.20]. This is what GOD says 'My people are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6]. why? because DEATH is not the End of our Existence but Transition into Eternity; either to Heaven if Believed in JESUS/BIBLE or to of course to Hell [ John 3.16], [Matthew 25.41]. So, Accept JESUS today, as your Personal SAVIOR and be Delivered from the Fear of DEATH forever because Salvation through JESUS will make you Heaven bound and Live in: Peace, Joy and Confidence [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, March 16, 2015
World wonders and laughs at True or Born Again Christians whenever they speak FAITH, why? because Faith won't make ANY Sense, on the other hand SENSE won't make any Faith, that's why! [John 3.5], [2 Kings 3.17]. Know this Faith is: Invisible, Intangible but Spiritual, Supernatural, Powerful and Reliable [Hebrews 11.6]. That's why JESUS/BIBLE says 'If you Believe you will See the Glory of GOD' [John 11.40]. And know this 'JESUS is the SAME yesterday, Today and Forever' [Hebrews 13.8]. So, Seek GOD/BIBLE. Beloved, When you come to GOD; Stop Reasoning, Start Believing! So, Expect: Great things, Breakthroughs, Wonders and Miracles. My brother, my sister and my dear friend: Only GOD can and GOD will [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 3.20], [Revelation 21.4], [John 14.12]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Pains and Problems are Pointers to GOD, Beloved [Exodus 14.15]. Everyone on Earth has got their own Pains and Problems, my friend; perhaps it might be different from Each other, that's all. WE all have Lack of or Excess of one or few of the following but NOT all at the same time: Wealth, Health, Approval and Time; these are the Major Factors through which GOD Control and Balance the Mankind, so in short GOD is the Source and men are Resources [Psalms 34.10], [Matthew 6.33]. My friend, Heaven is the only place without: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and DEATH. That's GOD heart/plan for us Mankind, though Eternal LIFE in Heaven is GOD's FREE GIFT for us, one should Receive it while living, to Enjoy it after DEATH [Revelation 21.4], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10]. So, whoever you may be, Please Receive JESUS as your personal Savior without HIM you cannot have Eternal LIFE [Acts 4.12]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Beloved, Please Treat Everyone the: Good, Bad, Rich, Poor, Famous, Notorious, Young, Old,.. with LOVE and RESPECT, why? Because GOD Commanded us to; to be the Transition Person [Matthew 5.44], [1 Peter 2.17] because Darkness cannot get rid of Darkness but LIGHT, Hatred cannot get rid of Hatred but LOVE. Moreover GOD says 'Do unto others as You would have them Do unto You' so, You Choose how you want to be Treated? [Luke 6.31] and always remember, 'What one Sows one Reaps' [Galatians 6.7] So, WE don't have to Judge others, they will Receive what they Deserve from GOD and you will Reap what you Sowed from GOD, as well. So, Sow: Love, Respect, Kindness, Forgiveness,. Remember, GOD/BIBLE says 'My people are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge' Wake up CHURCH, Spread LOVE, Share JESUS in Your Words, Deeds, Thought and Intents; Become and be the Light and Salt to this world; to Get rid of the Darkness and to Preserve and add Life, Taste to people's Lives. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Beloved, Like it or Not, Everyone and Everything You SEE now and ever Loved and Lived with will LEAVE you Forever, someday [2 Corinthians 4.18]. Then, when the SEEN Disappears the UNSEEN will Appear Forever. My friend, You Haven't Seen: GOD, Angels, Demons, Heaven, Hell, and other UNSEEN Mysteries Yet and Of course our own Spirit, the Real YOU which resides in you, from the Day you were formed in your Mother's womb [Jeremiah 1.5]. Then You Must give an Individual Account of You to GOD our CREATOR [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Daniel 12.2-3]. So, put things in order, Now; when things are fine [Galatians 6.7-8]. Accept JESUS, as your own LORD and SAVIOR; LIVE and DO GOOD to Others [Matthew 5.16]. So, CHANGE to Live: Right, Good, Kind and Wise while you have the Opportunity or the Right to Choose, which will be there only as long as you are Living in your Body. So, Wake up. Never, waste even a moment, SEEK GOD, Change course if Needed to Follow what GOD/BIBLE says, whoever you may be, my friend. Remember, WE are all Strangers on this earth and just passing through it once, in order to Qualify and Create our own Status for us in Heaven or of course to be condemned in Hell if WE Ignore/Neglect/Reject GOD's Voice/BIBLE now [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Matthew 5.19, 18.4 and 23.11], [Matthew 25.41]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Most of us are Curious to Know about our FUTURE. Many of us even run behind men and mediums too, spending all their savings only to be Deceived and Disappointed in the end [John 8.44 & John 10.10]. But only a few Know that, that is Found only in the Holy BIBLE and Received by staying at GOD's Feet/Presence through Revelation Knowledge [Matthew 5.18], [Jeremiah 33.3], because BIBLE is GOD's Word, GOD Speaks through it and GOD alone, Knows the End from the Beginning!; in other words, GOD Finished Everything and then HE Began, that is how GOD knows what lies Ahead and Reveals it to Anyone and Everyone, who Seeks HIM Wholeheartedly [Isaiah 46.10], [2 Timothy 3.16], [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Beloved, GOD Never Sells Anything to Anyone but Gives Everything FREE to all Mankind, who Believes and Obeys HIM/BIBLE; be it our: Peace, Joy, Hope, Provision, Protection, Prosperity and Salvation, The HOLY SPIRIT, Eternal Life in Heaven,.. Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding and Revelation or Whatever MONEY cannot BUY [Isaiah 55.1-2]. Know this, You become Serious with GOD, GOD will become Serious with you, Becoming your friend [1 Samuel 2.30], [Deuteronomy 29.29], [John 15.13-15]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Though it is: Challenging, Difficult and very Expensive; Many Parents HAPPILY Compromise and Sacrifice their Comforts to give their Children the Best Education possible not because their Nation needs great leaders tomorrow but their children should have Better life than them. Now, if this is Wisdom and Needed for an approximately eighty year plus life on this earth with Pains and Problems; how about GOD planned Life in Heaven for Mankind? How much more: Knowledge, Commitment, Sacrifice and Preparation might be needed? to enter into Heaven for the Never ending Eternity without: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death [Revelation 21.4]? My friend, Wake up. Seek GOD/BIBLE to Know what you must know before too late [Isaiah 66.2], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 3.20], [John 3.16]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Ignoring, Neglecting, Rejecting, Postponing GOD's Priceless but absolutely FREE Redemption Plan or Accepting JESUS as one's LORD and Savior to Enjoy Eternity in Heaven without: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death is like one being 'Dollar wise but BILLION plus FOOLISH'. Beloved, GOD's SALVATION is FREE but You Must Receive it to Enjoy it. GOD has No Redemption Plan for Devil because Devil Willfully Sinned when there was No Tempter for him, Whereas Adam/Eve was tempted to Sin by the Devil [Hebrews 10.26], [Genesis 3.1-13], ]Revelation 21.4]]. That's why GOD prepared a Redemption Plan only for Mankind [Luke 2.10]. Now, the Devil knows that his Time is short or limited [Revelation 12.12] and his Future very well [Matthew 25.41], that's why Devil is busy recruiting Innocent and BIBLE Ignorant men and women from all over the world [Revelation 12.9] by offering them temporary Pleasures like Illegitimate: Sex, Money, Position, Possession and Power,.. to DECEIVE and DESTROY them in Hell, sharing his Future with them. So, Wake up. CHANGE Course. Remember WE can't Serve two masters! Either GOD or Devil [Matthew 6.24]. Know this, Devil is a Liar; Devil comes only to: Steal, Kill and Destroy Whereas JESUS came so that WE can have Abundant LIFE [John 8.44 & 10.10]. So, WHOEVER you may be Wake up!! My brother, my sister and my dear friend; Accept JESUS as your personal Savior and be Heaven Ready by being SAVED, Baptized, Sanctified, Renewed in your MIND [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 3.20], [John 3.16], [Romans 12.2]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, March 9, 2015
How would you ever feel, my friend?; when your precious children, whom you love like anything, for whom you sacrificed and lost everything, rebels against you and begins to trust and listen to your only deadly enemy who always wanted to Deceive and Destroy you and your family; Using them, Fooling them and Preparing them for their own Destruction, right in front of your eyes? That's how GOD feels when WE keep: Ignoring, Neglecting and Rejecting GOD's Priceless Redemption Plan through JESUS, for some temporary pleasures of the devil [John 8.44 & 10.10], [Acts 17.30]. My friend, Did you know?, GOD laments saying 'Ox knows its owner, Ass his master but my Children Do Not Know ME [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6], How SAD. So, Wake up world. Don't let down your Heavenly Father who always LOVED you and has prepared your Eternity in Heaven for some worthless temporary pleasures of the Devil [Philippians 3.20]. So, Seek GOD/BIBLE to be SAVED and be Heaven Bound [Romans 10.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Beloved, Believing GOD and Remaining PEACEFUL and CONFIDENT or Doubting GOD and remaining RESTLESS and SCARED, is simply a Choice [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Hebrews 11.6]. GOD/BIBLE says: 'Fear not' why? because: GOD is Able [Isaiah 41.10], [Isaiah 54.17]; 'Worry not' why? GOD cares for us [Matthew 6.34], [1 Peter 5.7]; 'Seek GOD' why? to bless us [Matthew 6.33], [Psalms 34.10]; 'Give' why? to Give us back [Luke 6.38], [Luke 6.31]; 'to Fear HIM' why? to give us Wisdom [Isaiah 66.2], [Proverbs 1.7]; ' to be Humble' why? to Promote us [James 4.10], [Psalms 75.6]; 'to Know HIM' why? to Live Great [Hosea 6.6], [Isaiah 1.19]; 'to Follow HIM' why? to give us Eternal LIFE in Heaven, our Permanent GOD planned Home, for Anyone and Everyone who takes GOD/BIBLE seriously [Matthew 4.19], [John 3.16], [Psalms 119.19], [Philippians 3.20]. So, Wake up World. Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE because GOD is GOOD and GOD LOVES YOU Very MUCH if it is not true HE would not have Created You and Keeping you Alive.Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Never Compare Yourself with Others to become: Dull, Down, Depressed and Disappointed because GOD is not an Imitator but Our only CREATOR that's why NONE of us have the Same: Look, Voice, Smell,.. or DNA. We all are Precious to GOD, that's why HE Created us all UNIQUE [Psalms 139.14]. My friend, STOP comparing Brass with Bronze. Know this, No one can Compete with you, No one is your Standard, NO one can Replace You in GOD's Heart. YOU are the One and Only one, Forever; there was NO ONE like YOU in the Past and Never will be in the Future. So, WE can only Improve ourselves, that's all! Beloved, GOD Loves us All Very Much, that's why HE has even Engraved us in HIS Palms [John 3.16], [Isaiah 49.16]. JESUS, the Good Shepherd left 99 sheep, went looking for Lost one, Why? That is LOVE [Luke 15.4-7]. So, Wake up, Seek GOD/BIBLE, be: SAVED and SAFE forever, before too late [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Friday, March 6, 2015
STOP being Sincerely WRONG, my brother, my sister and my dear friend [Hosea 4.6]. Stop: Following, Pleasing, Trusting, Worshiping men and materials but GOD [Exodus 20.4-5]. GOD/BIBLE says CURSED be the man that Trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the LORD [Jeremiah 17.5]. Remember, You Owe yourself to GOD because HE Created You, Keeping You Alive,... Beloved, NO one can Please GOD by being IGNORANT of HIM/BIBLE or Doubting and Disobeying HIM [Hosea 6.6], [Hebrews 11.6]. Know this please, GOD is Not Pleased with our Offerings or Sacrifices but us Growing in the Knowledge of GOD/BIBLE and Obeying HIM/BIBLE [1 Samuel 15.22]. Beloved, it was JESUS who Bled and Died for Mankind, NOT Mary or any other Men [Acts 4.12]. GOD/BIBLE says this Very clearly NOT all who call LORD, LORD will enter into Heaven but only those who Does the Will of GOD [Matthew 7.21]. Beloved, GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2], GOD cannot CHANGE [Malachi 3.6], [Hebrews 13.7], GOD cannot ALTER HIS WORDS [Psalms 89.34]. Moreover, BIBLE says 'let GOD be True, but every man a Liar [Romans 3.4]. DON'T be DECEIVED [James 1.22]. So, Wake up. CHANGE, Know and Follow the TRUTH and Be Truly SAVED and Heaven Ready [John 8.32]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Thursday, March 5, 2015
To the UNSAVED world GOD/BIBLE says 'Repent', to the SAVED world or CHURCH HE says 'be Renewed in your Mind' [Matthew 3.2], [Romans 12.2]. To the UNSAVED world GOD/BIBLE says 'I stand at the Door and Knock, if Anyone hears my voice and opens [his heart] the door, I will come in and Commune with him, and he with me' to CHURCH HE says 'You can come Boldly to the throne of Grace whenever you want to collect whatever grace you need' [Revelation 3.20], [Hebrews 4.16]. My friend, Always remember GOD will Never Ever Force Anyone for Anything; HE will keep on Honoring all our Choices and Decisions as long as WE live; Once DEAD we will Lose our Right to Choose, Forever. So Know and DO what you Ought to DO, now; tomorrow may be too late [Ecclesiastes 7.29], [Romans 10.9-10]. So be SAVED, Baptized, Sanctified, Fruit bearing for CHRIST [Daniel 12.2-3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Though GOD Knew and Knows Everything; Knowing the End from the Beginning [Psalms 94.8-11], [Isaiah 46.10]: GOD didn't Choke Adam to Death when he Ate the forbidden fruit [Genesis 2.17], GOD didn't Kill Cain when Cain killed Abel [Genesis 4.8], GOD didn't Kill those who Killed HIS Prophets [1 Kings 18.22], GOD didn't Kill Herod when he Killed GOD's man, John the Baptist [Matthew 14.10],..Why? Because the PAYDAY is coming, Everyone Must RESURRECT to give an Individual Account about him/her, on the Judgment Day and Then they will be either Welcomed into HEAVEN or sent to HELL, based on their Personal Response to GOD's Word the Holy BIBLE now and their Personal Relationship with GOD/JESUS now [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14], [Hebrew 9.27], [Revelation 22.11-12], [Romans 6.23]. This is why GOD/BIBLE says 'My people are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6]. So, my bother, my sister and my dear friend: DON'T lose heart, JUSTICE will be Done by GOD, Our Creator for Everything and Everyone; BIG or small and Dead or ALIVE. So, Wake up. CHANGE course if needed. Put things in Order, Reconcile with GOD before too late [Romans 10.9-10], [Romans 8.1]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Billions out there, are: Cool, Fine and Happy with LIES, not because they DON'T know it is a LIE but, that's what they Like and that's what they Want to: Hear, Follow and Practice because it is: EASY, CONVENIENT, INSTANT, INEXPENSIVE, TASTY and FUN but on the other hand they DON'T or they NEVER Realize that it carries a HUGE invisible Price Tag which must be Paid by them, that's what Devil does [Hosea 4.6], [Romans 6.23]. My friend, Know and Never Forget this; DEVIL is a: LIAR, Murderer, Thief, Killer, Destroyer, Deceiver and Accuser [John 8:44, 10:10], [Revelation 12.9-10]. Beloved, Please be informed; GOD has NO hidden Agendas at all Whereas Devil has only that [1 Peter 5.8]. So, Wake up. Know what you should know, before too late [John 8.32]. My brother, my sister and my dear friend physical DEATH is Not the End of our Existence but it is just our Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based on our personal Response to GOD's Word the Holy BIBLE now and our personal Relationship with GOD/JESUS now [Daniel 12.2], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Monday, March 2, 2015
GOD is Not respecter persons but of course of FAITH [Acts 10.34], [Hebrews 11.6]. Only thing which always attract GOD is our Faith in HIM, my friend. What: men, money and materials CANNOT DO, our Faith can DO [John 14.12]. JESUS said to: Blind Bartholomew 'According to your faith' because he Believed in JESUS he was Healed [Mathew 9.28-29], Woman with issue of blood 'Your faith has healed you' She got Healed because she Believed in JESUS [Matthew 9.22], to Martha 'If you believe you will see the glory of GOD' because she believed in JESUS, she saw GOD's Glory, got her brother Lazarus back [John 11.40]. Beloved, Always three kinds of people followed JESUS wherever HE went. First kind was, only to SEE and Enjoy the Miracles JESUS did. Second kind was, only to find Fault in JESUS. Third kind was, to somehow become the Recipient of a Miracle. My friend, FAITH in GOD/JESUS, is the seed for your Miracle. So: Seek, Believe and Obey JESUS/BIBLE to become and be the Recipient of Miracles, because JESUS is the Same Yesterday, Today and Forever [2 Corinthians 5.17], [Romans 12.2], [Hebrews 13.8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Because WE can't See GOD, it doesn't mean HE can't see us [Psalms 53.2], [Psalms 94.8-11]. My friend, GOD knows Exactly: who, what, why, when, which, how WE are [Luke 1.36]. When GOD closely follows and knows even about the very fall of an Hair from our head which we ourselves DO not Know or Care, and the very Tears we shed; How deeply and desperately HE must be: LOVING, Caring, Concerned,.. about us and our well being?! Common Sense, beloved! [Matthew 10.30], [Psalms 56.8]. Because WE refuse to Listen and Learn from GOD, at times WE feel like WE are UNLOVED or UNCARED for; Remember Devil is a LIAR [Isaiah 1.19-20], [John 8.44 and John 10.10]. Know this for SURE my friend, GOD intended: Awesome, Amazing, Marvelous,.. Never ENDING LIFE is Yet to begin; it begins Only when WE DIE, and it is based on our Personal Response to and Personal Relationship with GOD/BIBLE; either in Heaven as GREAT/small or in Hell [Hosea 4.6]. So, Know BIBLE well, so that you can Know and DO what exactly GOD wants [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.
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