Sunday, March 1, 2015

Because WE can't See GOD, it doesn't mean HE can't see us [Psalms 53.2], [Psalms 94.8-11]. My friend, GOD knows Exactly: who, what, why, when, which, how WE are [Luke 1.36]. When GOD closely follows and knows even about the very fall of an Hair from our head which we ourselves DO not Know or Care, and the very Tears we shed; How deeply and desperately HE must be: LOVING, Caring, Concerned,.. about us and our well being?! Common Sense, beloved! [Matthew 10.30], [Psalms 56.8]. Because WE refuse to Listen and Learn from GOD, at times WE feel like WE are UNLOVED or UNCARED for; Remember Devil is a LIAR [Isaiah 1.19-20], [John 8.44 and John 10.10]. Know this for SURE my friend, GOD intended: Awesome, Amazing, Marvelous,.. Never ENDING LIFE is Yet to begin; it begins Only when WE DIE, and it is based on our Personal Response to and Personal Relationship with GOD/BIBLE; either in Heaven as GREAT/small or in Hell [Hosea 4.6]. So, Know BIBLE well, so that you can Know and DO what exactly GOD wants [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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