Saturday, October 31, 2015

Beloved, RELIGION Doesn't: DELIVER us, HEAL us, SAVE us, CHANGE us, BLESS us but JESUS Does [Revelation 3.20], [John 14.6]. RELIGION Doesn't give us PEACE and HOPE but JESUS Does [John 14.2-3, 27]. RELIGION Didn't DIE for us but JESUS Did [Romans 6.23]. So, Welcome JESUS today and Develop a personal Relationship with HIM and be SAVED and SAFE forever [Romans 10.9-10]. Live for the One Who Died for You and Living as Your personal Advocate with the FATHER in Heaven [1 John 2.1]. You know, people who DIED Yesterday, Never Knew that it was their Last Day, and we are NO Different than them. DEATH is common to all, it is the only thing which comes without Notice and accepts NO Excuse whatsoever. So we have NO Option but to be Prepared Always and be in CHRIST in order to be Transfigured or to be with the LORD [1 Corinthians 15.51-54], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18], [2 Corinthians 5.8]. So, Wake up and Seek, Believe, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE Now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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