Tuesday, April 19, 2016

be the Transition Person. Please Don't feel Sad for not having a great Theological Qualification or a: Doctorate, Degree, Diploma to Serve GOD/JESUS. Anointing is what you need, Availability is what it takes. Anointing has nothing to do with wisdom of men. Grades don't measure Intelligence, Age doesn't define Maturity. Degrees and Diplomas are man made standards for men, Not for GOD. Wisdom of this world is Foolishness to GOD [1 Corinthians 3.19]. JESUS' disciples were not from the Elite but mere fishermen, tax collectors, traders but they Touched and Transformed the world. So, Please GO teach at least two people about what JESUS has done for YOU, Mankind then Teach them to Teach their two. Keep Repeating. That's all it takes to share the GOSPEL and SAVE the Dying SOULS around. Remember what JESUS promised, HE will be with us until the End [Matthew 28.19-20]. Remember, Our Home and our Retirement is in Heaven; so keep working for GOD until you DEPART from Earth [Philippians 3.20-21]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.

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