Monday, July 11, 2016

GOD knows Exactly: who, what, why, when, which, how WE are [Luke 1.36]. When GOD closely follows and knows even about the very fall of an Hair from our head and Tears we shed; How deeply HE must be: LOVING, Caring, Concerned,.. about our well being?! Common Sense, beloved! [Matthew 10.30], [Psalms 56.8]. Because WE refuse to Listen, Learn from GOD, at times WE feel UNLOVED or UNCARED for but that's NOT true. Devil is a LIAR [Isaiah 1.19-20], [John 8.44 and John 10.10]. FYI: GOD intended Awesome Never ENDING LIFE begins Only when WE DIE, and it is based on our Personal Relationship with GOD/BIBLE; either in Heaven as GREAT/small or in Hell [Hosea 4.6], [Matthew 25.41]. So, Know BIBLE well, so that you too can DO what exactly GOD wants us to [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38], [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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