Monday, September 19, 2016

Many question about BIBLE; about its contents, claims and promises. Consider just this thing, GOD/BIBLE says Heaven declares GOD's Glory [Psalms 19.1] and GOD says that Stars cannot be numbered [Jeremiah 33.22]. Current discoveries say, There are MORE number of STARS in the sky than DUST on earth. Hope you got an idea about How AWESOME GOD is. Beloved, GOD is our Creator and GOD knows the End from the Beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. GOD must be knowing many things which Mankind might not even imagined or never will, because GOD is GOD and man is man. So, Know BIBLE well to know GOD well, because it is GOD's official word [Hosea 4.6, 8.12]. LIFE we live may End anytime but before that Do what GOD Counsels us and be SAVED and get ready for Life after Death [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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