DEATH is NOT the END of our Existence but Transition into Eternity, either to Heaven or Hell, based purely on our individual Response to GOD/BIBLE now, while we have our Right to Choose [Deuteronomy 30.15 &19], [Daniel 12.2-3]. KNOWLEDGE is what GOD gave Mankind/Adam first, Why? because Knowledge is LIFE [Genesis 2.16-17], [Hosea 4.6], [Jeremiah 33.3], [John 8.32]. So Wake Up; Know BIBLE to Know GOD and Know your Future [Jeremiah 29.13], [1 Samuel 3.21]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Secret of RECEIVING is GIVING, says GOD. Be it your: Time, Talents or Treasure; GIVE it out Generously for GOD, for poor and needy, so that you will Receive Abundantly. GOD/BIBLE says only once to 'GIVE' [Luke 6.38] in this verse Whereas HE Promises how WE will 'RECEIVE' it back in Seven different ways, in the same verse. Moreover GOD counsels us to 'DO unto others as WE would have them DO unto us' [Luke 6.31]. So GOD has given You and me the liberty to Choose how WE want to be Treated by Others. So STOP being your own Blessing Blocker! Never HOLD Back or Delay Someone's: Right, Peace, Happiness, Belongings,. when it is in your hands; for Your own Good [Galatians 6.7-8]. FYI, GOD cannot LIE [Titus 1.2]. GOD cannot CHANGE [Malachi 3.6]. So, You CHANGE. Be Blessed and be a BLESSING to Others. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 29, 2017
NO: Angel, Animal, Demon or Creation can Consider, Address or Have GOD as their Father but only You and I, who are Created in GOD's own Image and Likeness [Genesis 1.26 & 2.7]; as long as WE receive GOD's FREE Gift of Salvation through LORD JESUS [John 1.12], [1 John 3.1]. What Billions out there Never: Know, Understand or Believe is, Whatever GOD/BIBLE Promises and Warns will Happen only when WE are DEAD and Gone but Unfortunately then, After Death; SEEING, KNOWING, BELIEVING GOD/BIBLE is TRUE Won't help! WE cannot come back and Re Live our Life on Earth once again, in order to: Receive, Qualify, Accomplish those Priceless Eternal Gifts, Rewards, Treasures [Luke 16.20-31], [Matthew 6.19-20], [John 6.27-29], [2 Corinthians 5.8]. So, Wake up, be SAVED and Heaven bound before too Late [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
BIBLE never says to Reason but to Trust GOD [Hebrews 11.6], [Psalms 118.8], why? because GOD is too BIG to be understood. Clue - Angels [Hebrews 1.14] and Demons Tremble [James 2.19], [James 4.7] before GOD, because they know Who GOD is [Jude 1.6]. GOD LOVES US SO MUCH than Anything, Proof - HE Killed HIS only begotten SON JESUS on our behalf to pay a Debt we owed [John 3.16]. So, Believe in GOD/BIBLE to be DELIVERED [Psalms 50.15], SAVED [Romans 10.9] and BLESSED [Deuteronomy 28.1-14]. FYI, Faith won't make any sense and Sense won't make any Faith [1 Corinthians 1.18] but that's what make Sense to GOD [John 11.40], that alone holds the key to all our Miracles [Matthew 9.28-30] that only turns natural into Supernatural, ordinary into Extraordinary, nothing into Something and no one into Someone! Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
We can Change our Choices but Not its Consequences [Ecclesiastes 12.14]. Everything we Desire is simply a Choice until we live on earth, that's all but definitely Not after that [Matthew 7.21-23], [Matthew 25.34-46]. We can always Enjoy or Use our Right to Choose, only as long as we live here on earth [Ecclesiastes 11.9]. Beloved, DEATH is Not the End of our Existence but just the Beginning of it or Transition into the Never Ending Eternity either in Heaven or Hell [Daniel 12.2-3]. Our Body and this World is temporary but not our Spirit and Soul, Heaven and Hell; they are ETERNAL [Matthew 10.28]. So, Don't lose your Never Ending Awesome LIFE in Heaven for some temporary pleasures of this world like: Money, Sex, Materials, Leisure,.. ; Ignoring GOD/BIBLE [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20], [Revelation 21.4]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
STOP being Ignorant, STOP Mistreating people. Though many look like beggars or poor outwardly, indeed they all are not, especially those who Trust in GOD and are Used by GOD. It is a Dangerous thing to Mistreat them because GOD takes it personally. Rather: respect them, be kind to them, bless them and be Blessed indeed [Matthew 25.35-40], [Genesis 12.3], [Hebrews 13.1-3]. Knowledge Gives LIFE and Power [Hosea 4.6]. GOD Reveals Great and Eternal things about HIM and HIS Will through HIS Word/BIBLE and HIS Servants which Google has NO access to or Clue about [Numbers 12.8], [Jeremiah 11.18], [Galatians 1.12], [Colossians 1.26]. GOD is Living and HE speaks to HIS Children and speaks through them to the world [Jeremiah 33.3]. So, treat everyone with Love and Respect [Hebrews 13.2]. GOD Begins where world Ends [Luke 18.27]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, September 25, 2017
We all have two Identities and Responsibilities; one temporary another Permanent, one visible another Invisible, one before men another before GOD [Matthew 22.21]. So, stop focusing only on worldly visible one while Ignoring the most important Godly Invisible one [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Wake up. Money cannot Replace GOD [Matthew 6.24]. Money cannot buy Everything. Even celebrated worldly: Positions, Possessions, Power are NO match for being in CHRIST [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Worldly ones are distractions, deceptions to keep us occupied to drain out all our: energy, gifts, talents and time, until end; keeping us away from Knowing GOD/BIBLE and doing GOD's will [Revelation 12.9]. Someday WE must leave everyone and everything behind forever [1 Timothy 6.9-12]. So Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE before it is too late [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Current Discoveries say that, there are MORE number of STARS in the sky than DUST on Earth. Nearest known star to us is Sun, which is approximately 96,000 times Bigger than Earth, then how about the rest? BIBLE says 'GOD Created these numerous Stars, just by HIS Word' [Psalms 33.6]; 'GOD tells the Number of the Stars and calls them by their Name' [Psalms 147.4]; 'These Stars Worship GOD' [Nehemiah 9.5]. My friend Know, How AWESOME GOD is, JESUS is [John 1.1-3], [Colossians 1.16-18]. GOD is far beyond human Understanding and Imagination; that's why GOD says Not to reason but to Believe HIM [John 11.40], [Matthew 9.28-30], [Hebrews 11.6]. GOD knows the End from Beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. BIBLE is GOD's official word [Hosea 8.12]. BIBLE says 'Heaven declares GOD's Glory' [Psalms 19.1]. So, better believe in GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 23, 2017
BIBLE is Awesome; because 1. It talks about Our Past, Present and FUTURE 2. Transforms Everyone who Reads it with faith 3. Written in The Highest Standard Ever known to Mankind 4. Divine PEACE is Birthed in Anyone's Heart when read with faith [Hebrews 4.2]. Beloved, All scripture in BIBLE are given by the inspiration of GOD, they are profitable for 1.Doctrine, 2. Reproof, 3.Correction, 4. Instruction in Righteousness [2 Timothy 3.16]. Funniest but Very Regrettable thing is, Most Mankind Doesn't Believe, Obey, Fear GOD/BIBLE whereas Devils Believe and Tremble before: GOD [James 2.19], JESUS [Matthew 8.29]. BIBLE says, in the beginning was the WORD, the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD, and that's JESUS. All things were Created by JESUS [John 1.1-3]. So, Know BIBLE Know GOD. Wake up CHURCH, Wake up World [Acts 17.30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 22, 2017
It is humanly impossible Change our Past. This is what I was also Falsely believing and confessing until I heard about LORD JESUS and Welcomed HIM into my life, as my SAVIOR [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9]. From then I Began to: Realize, Witness, Experience, as BIBLE says, that Nothing is Impossible with GOD [Luke 1.37], because HE Forgave and Forgot my Sins, JESUS CHANGED my PAST, HE can CHANGE Yours too, however bad it might be [Isaiah 43.25]. HE Removed all my Guilty feelings, Bitterness, Pride, Ego, Unforgiveness, Hatred,.. HE Transformed, Transforming me, gave me a new heart to LOVE, Respect, Forgive, Accept Others including those who Betrayed, Broke my heart [1 Corinthians 13.7], [Ezekiel 36.26], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. JESUS took over my life, its no more me but HIM, Now I am in HIM and HE is in me [John 14.23]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, September 21, 2017
STOP being DECEIVED, STOP loving this temporary, passing world [1 John 2.15-17]. The more you love the world, more pains you will have to suffer [1 Timothy 6.10] but rather LOVE GOD and HIS Presence [Psalms 16.11] and be filled with HIS: PEACE, JOY, REST, HOPE by welcoming JESUS into your life [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. We can't Serve two masters [Matthew 6,24]. FYI, What is highly esteemed in world's sight is Abomination to GOD [Luke 16.15]. Friendship with world is Enmity with GOD [James 4.4]. Wisdom of this world is Foolishness to GOD [1 Corinthians 1.20]. We are in the world but Not, of the world [John 17.16]. Our Citizenship is in HEAVEN [Philippians 3.20-21], Never Lose it. So, Make time for GOD today and Everyday to Enjoy HIS Presence and to Receive from HIM/BIBLE [Jeremiah 33.3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
GOD/BIBLE says, 'Give unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar; and GOD what belongs to GOD [Matthew 22.21]. So, Know what belongs to whom and give it on time. Beloved, GOD has a purpose for You, me and Everyone of us, even before we were Born [2 Timothy 1.9]. Besides GODLY Assignment, We have a worldly Assignment too [Ecclesiastes 3.10], [2 Thessalonians 3.10]. To one GOD gave five talents and to the other two talents and the last one talent, so None went without [Matthew 25.15]. So STOP burying your Precious Talents by Choosing to live an Ignorant, Selfish, Carefree life, WASTING away your Priceless Opportunities, not Realizing what awaits you, once you are DEAD [Hebrew 9.27]. Know BIBLE, DO what GOD says before too late [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [Mark 10.29-30], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 19, 2017
NO man Alive is Problem-Free [Job 7.1], [Job 14.1]. Adam had Problem, Eve had Problem,.. Abraham, Moses, Joshua had Problems,.. John the Baptist had Problems, even JESUS had Problems,.. Peter, Paul had Problems. And of course EVERYONE has Problems [John 16.33]. It is our sheer IGNORANCE which makes us: Think, Believe, Confess and Cry that we alone have Pains and Problems in this world while most others don't. Beloved, its a LIE of the devil [John 8.44]. Always remember, We live in an Evil world [Galatians 1.4]. As long as we Live on Earth there will be: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and finally Death; only in Heaven we can't find any of these [Revelation 21.4]. So Endure for now and Know what's waiting for us, if we Listen to GOD [Daniel 12.2-3] and get prepared for that, Now [Luke 2.10], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, September 18, 2017
When people: Ignore you, Insult you or Ill treat you for NO Fault of yours or for No reason; Don't get shocked or Don't feel bad about it but check carefully if you had done this to anyone before for no reason or none of their faults, if Yes then Apologize and Never repeat that; if not, please be informed that person who treated you bad now, had just chosen to be treated bad in future deliberately because that is what GOD/BIBLE Says, 'Do unto others as you wish them to do unto You' [Luke 6.31], 'What one Sows one Reaps' [Galatians 6.7-8]. Remember, GOD Cannot LIE [Titus 1,2]. So, CHANGE your seeds to Change your HARVEST. Sow what Exactly you want to Reap. If Love then Love, if Respect then Respect, If Peace then Peace, If Kindness then Kindness, If Forgiveness then Forgiveness,.. If whatever then that-ever. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, September 17, 2017
As we get older we realise; our True Happiness is not in how much we make or how many degrees we have or how big our house is or how fancy our car is but its all about finding: Peace, Joy, Rest, Love, Respect, Acceptance,. and Safety. Similarly Everyone who: Ignores, Neglects, Laughs at and Refuses to: Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE now, will Know for themselves that: GOD is Real, JESUS is Real, HOLY SPIRIT is Real, BIBLE is Real and it is GOD's Word, Heaven is Real and Hell is Real too when they DIE [Luke 16.19-31], [Daniel 12.2-3], [Hebrews 9.27], [Ecclesiastes 12.13-14]. On the other hand; Believing, Obeying GOD/BIBLE to Fear GOD and to: Love, Care, Respect, Accept fellow men and to LIVE a Just, Righteous, Good Life is not a Bad Deal at all; Rather that would increase one's chances of being Happy than Without [Isaiah 26.3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 16, 2017
YOU don't have to be Rich in order to possess the most beautiful outfit you can ever Own, Wear [Proverbs 31.30]. It is absolutely FREE and always in your possession; it is not Handmade but Heart made, it is not someone made but self made, it is your: Love, Kindness, Humility, Gratitude, Patience,.. for Others and your: Giving to others, Caring for Others, Respecting Others and Accepting Others. Wear this Priceless outfit wherever you go, no one can Ignore or Match your beauty; You will always be Outstanding and LOVED [Colossians 3.14], [1 Corinthians 13.7]. Beloved, JESUS not only Taught us to LOVE Others but also Lived and Demonstrated it even on the Cross. Remember and Obey the New Commandment HE gave us 'Love your Neighbor as you love yourself' [John 13.34]. So, Copy JESUS and Reflect HIM wherever you go [Matthew 5.16]. Be truly Beautiful. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 15, 2017
When you Fully Trust in GOD, Don't be Surprised or Shocked looking at the last minute Sudden Changes and Developments in your life! FYI, Dead-ends and Detours are just Delays that's all and they are not Denials from GOD; because GOD Knows the End from the Beginning [Isaiah 46.10] and HE Knows what's waiting where you are heading to [Romans 8.28]. Sometimes GOD Closes Doors because it's time for us to Move forward [Exodus 2.11-25]. GOD Knows WE Won't Move unless and until our Circumstances Force us to [Exodus 1.8-22]. So, Trust the Transition because GOD has Great Plans, a Good FUTURE for us [Jeremiah 29.11]. Always Remember, However Smart you are, you can't Outsmart GOD [Psalms 147.5]. So, Keep Trusting in GOD and HIS Word the Holy BIBLE and DO what HE says [James 1.22]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, September 14, 2017
WE can't 'Eat the cake and Keep the cake'. So, we Can't Serve GOD and Money simultaneously [Matthew 6.24]. Salvation is Absolutely FREE, it's a Gift of GOD but one Must receive it by Faith in JESUS, in order to Enjoy Eternal LIFE in Heaven [Ephesians 2.8]. But Eternal Rewards and Treasures are Not Gifts of GOD, We should Earn them now on earth in order to Enjoy them in Eternity [John 6.27-29], [Matthew 6.19-20], [Mark 10.29-30]. Remember, what Apostle Paul says at the End of his Life on earth 'What things were Gain to me, those I counted as Loss,.. [Philippians 3.7-8]; 'I am ready for Departure, I fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith,..' [2 Timothy 4.6-8]. FYI, there are Ranks in Heaven, because GOD is JUST, HE can't treat everyone alike [Hebrews 6.10], [Revelation 22.11-12]. So, work for GOD, Now. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Nowadays, very sadly, even the Godly people are also increasingly becoming Selfish and Shy; Not to Welcome, Talk or Spread Good News, Good things, Good GOD ideas and concepts... in order to continue in their Privacy and Enjoy their Comforts Not realizing that GOD kept them, us here to make a Difference in this Dark world [Galatians 1.4] as LIGHT and SALT to: Deliver, Save, Guide those UNSAVED folks towards JESUS, Salvation, Eternal LIFE [Matthew 5.13-16], [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9]. Beloved, WE may not have this Opportunity Forever; so STOP being like a Dead fish, floating and flowing wherever the water takes you or following the majority without CHRIST to continue in darkness and in slow death. So, Wake up. Be Different, be the Difference. Stand for Good. Stand for GOD, Stand for BIBLE [Mark 8.38]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
My friend, Easiest thing on Earth is getting things from GOD because it doesn't require MONEY or WORK but FAITH and OBEDIENCE to GOD/BIBLE. So, You too can FREELY get Your: Wisdom, Knowledge, Understanding [Proverbs 1.7], [James 1.5], [Jeremiah 33.3]; Protection [Psalms 34.7], Provision [Psalms 34.10], Peace [Isaiah 26.3]. Rest [Matthew 11.28], Healing [Matthew 9.28-30], Miracles [John 14.12], Choicest Blessings [Deuteronomy 28.1-14] and ETERNAL LIFE or SALVATION [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9-10], The HOLY GHOST [Acts 2.38],... and even the Priceless, Matchless, Awesome HEAVEN Forever [John 14.2-3], [Philippians 3.20]. So, Turn to GOD/BIBLE today to be: Delivered, Saved, Blessed. 'Nothing WORTH Having Comes Easy' - says the World. Beloved, its a LIE of the devil [John 8.44]. GOD Never Sells Anything [Isaiah 55.1-2]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, September 11, 2017
Life becomes brighter and brighter as we get closer to GOD/BIBLE [Jeremiah 33.3]. GOD/BIBLE is Source for: Wisdom, Direction and Instruction concerning Everything; though this may sound strange or foolish to majority out there, truth of the matter is People who: Seek, Believe, Obey and Trust GOD/BIBLE; always live above their physical conditions Experiencing and Enjoying Divine: Protection, Provision, Wisdom, Counsel, Favor, Peace, Joy and Hope because GOD'S Wisdom and Resources are Unlimited, Powerful and Reliable. Since creation GOD Hasn't Failed ANYONE who Believed in HIM [Joel 2.26], [Jeremiah 39.16-18] because GOD is not only our Creator and Master but also Father and Friend [Isaiah 1.3], [Malachi 1.6], [John 20.17], [John 15.14]. So, Seek and Depend on GOD/BIBLE for Great and Amazing Results. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, September 10, 2017
GOD is very keen about us Knowing HIM more than our Offerings and Sacrifices [Hosea 6.6]. So, Grow in the Knowledge of GOD/BIBLE first [Matthew 6.33]. Life becomes Brighter and Brighter, as we get closer to GOD and HIS TRUTH [Proverbs 4.18]. Word of GOD or BIBLE is the Wealth, Wisdom and Voice of GOD; it is full of Life and Power [ Psalms 19.7]. GOD gave BIBLE for us. It's our Individual Responsibility to Know and Research what GOD says about us and to us. It is the Real Treasure Hunt [Psalms 119.18]. Sooner you: Find, Learn, Apply BIBLE; the Better, Brighter, Greater your life will be. Our old age becomes sweeter and sweeter, when we Stood, Stand for GOD, knowing that we become closer and closer to See GOD face to face [2 Timothy 4.7-8], [1 Corinthians 13.12]. So be quick and keen to: Know, Obey, Honor GOD/BIBLE. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 9, 2017
Beloved, be Different and be the Difference [1 Timothy 4.12]. Surprise the evil people around you, by your Good Life, by your Good: Words and Deeds [Matthew 5.16]. Choose to become and be the Transition Person in your: Family, Church, Community, City, Country, and in all your World; Overcoming Evil with GOOD, bringing GOD the Glory [Romans 12.21]. In a world full of Darkness; be GODLY, be the Light [Matthew 5.14]. In a world full of Lies; be GODLY, be Truthful [Numbers 12.7]. In a world full of lovers of Self; be GODLY, be Compassionate [Matthew 5.42], [Romans 12.20]. In a world full of Phonies; be GODLY, be Just [Psalms 33.5]. In a world full of Spiritual Ignorance; be GODLY, be the True Knowledge [2 Timothy 3.17]. Always remember, Your Future is Created by YOU, by What YOU, DO TODAY, Not Tomorrow! Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 8, 2017
IGNORANCE Kills Billions out there in the form of: Anxiety, Bitterness, Confusion, Depression, Ego, Fear, Greed, Hatred, Injustice,.. Stress and Worry; Everyday! Devil's most powerful weapon against Mankind is, Our own Ignorance about GOD and HIS Word/BIBLE, which we are supposed to Learn and Obey [James 1.22]. BIBLE is to us and for us, from GOD, by GOD [Hosea 8.12]. More you know BIBLE, you'll Know How GOOD GOD is, how KIND HE is, how much HE LOVES us and what all Plans HE has for our Future/Eternity and how EASY to Receive and Enjoy it [Romans 10.9], [John 1.12], [Jeremiah 29.11], You can migrate from Death to LIFE, Darkness to LIGHT, Curses to BLESSINGS, Sorrows to JOY, Despair to HOPE,.. Insecurities to CONFIDENCE, by simply saying a YES to JESUS [Revelation 3.20], [2 Corinthians 5.17]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Thursday, September 7, 2017
BEST is yet to come [John 16.20]. When SEEN Disappears UNSEEN will Appear [2 Corinthians 5.8]. Moses had to Struggle, Joshua had to Struggle, John the Baptist had to Struggle, JESUS Himself had to Struggle; so also Peter and Paul and all the rest. If they all Struggled and Stood for GOD and finished their course successfully, how are WE different from them? Are WE all not sharing the Same FATHER, same HOLY SPIRIT, same FAITH, same GOAL and same DESTINATION? So, Don't get Distracted looking at, what you are going through now, these pains and problems are just temporary and it shall all be very well soon [Hebrews 6.10], [1 Thessalonians 4.13-18]. FYI, DEATH is not the end of our Existence but just the continuation of it, either in HEAVEN or in HELL, based on our Response to GOD/BIBLE Now [Matthew 25.14-46]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Beloved, GOD/BIBLE says: 'Fear not' why? because: GOD is Able [Isaiah 41.10], [Isaiah 54.17]; 'Worry not' why? GOD cares for us [Matthew 6.34], [1 Peter 5.7]; 'Seek GOD' why? to bless us [Matthew 6.33], [Psalms 34.10]; 'Give' why? to Give us back [Luke 6.38], [Luke 6.31]; 'to Fear HIM' why? to give us Wisdom [Isaiah 66.2], [Proverbs 1.7]; ' to be Humble' why? to Promote us [James 4.10], [Psalms 75.6]; 'to Know HIM' why? to Live Great [Hosea 6.6], [Isaiah 1.19]; 'to Follow HIM' why? to give us Eternal LIFE in Heaven, our Permanent GOD planned Home, for Anyone and Everyone who takes GOD/BIBLE seriously [Matthew 4.19], [John 3.16], [Psalms 119.19], [Philippians 3.20]. So, Wake up. Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE because GOD is GOOD and GOD LOVES YOU Very MUCH [Jeremiah 31.3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Tuesday, September 5, 2017
GOD is JUST [Psalms 25.8]. GOD can't LIE [Titus 1.2]. GOD can't DIE [John 5.26]. GOD can't CHANGE [Malachi 3.6]. GOD can't be FOOLED [Galatians 6.7-8]. GOD can't be BRIBED [Deuteronomy 10.17]. GOD Knows Everything [Psalms 94.8-11]. GOD Knows the FUTURE and END of Everything, Everyone [Isaiah 46.10]. GOD is not Respecter of Persons [Acts 10.34]. GOD Loves to be BELIEVED and HATED to be Doubted [Hebrews 11.6]. GOD has NOT Failed ANYONE, ANYONE who TRUSTED in HIM since Creation [Isaiah 54.17]. Many Continue to: Ignore, Neglect, Reject GOD/BIBLE simply because they do not Know Or Believe that, at the End of our Worldly Life an: Unseen, Unheard, Untasted, Amazing GLORIOUS ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN is waiting for EVERYONE who takes GOD/BIBLE Seriously NOW [Philippians 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Monday, September 4, 2017
Beloved, NO one can Please GOD by being IGNORANT of HIM/BIBLE or Doubting and Disobeying HIM [Hosea 6.6], [Hebrews 11.6]. FYI, GOD is Not Pleased with our Offerings or Sacrifices but us Growing in the Knowledge of GOD/BIBLE and Obeying HIM/BIBLE [1 Samuel 15.22]. It was JESUS who Bled and Died for Mankind, NOT Mary or any other Men [Acts 4.12]. GOD/BIBLE says this Very clearly NOT all who call LORD, LORD will enter into Heaven but only those who Does the Will of GOD [Matthew 7.21]. So STOP being Sincerely WRONG [Hosea 4.6]. Stop: Following, Pleasing, Trusting, Worshiping: Idols, Nature, Men and Materials but GOD [Exodus 20.4-5]. GOD/BIBLE says CURSED be the man that Trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from the LORD [Jeremiah 17.5]. You Owe yourself to GOD [Isaiah 46.9-10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Sunday, September 3, 2017
What all matters is how WE EXIT this world [2 Timothy 4.7-8]. Knowledge [1 John 2.27] and Wisdom [Proverbs 8.10-21] are Priceless. If YOU are Not willing to Learn, No one can Help you but if YOU are Determined to Learn, No one can STOP YOU [Isaiah 1.17-20]. GOD Created, Sustains and Rules over Everything [Isaiah 46.9-10]. GOD is the Greatest GIVER [Jeremiah 33.3], Teacher [Proverbs 3.5-6], Mentor,. and Lover [Psalms 32.8]. Animals move by Instinct and Training whereas WE Mankind by Learning [James 3.7]. Knowledge, Power and Skills come by Learning [2 Timothy 3.14-16]. GOD's Word is for Learning [Romans 15.4]. Smartest EXIT from here is to Learn quick to LIVE a Godly LIFE, SAVE Souls, Bless Others and Leave Everything behind in GOD's Hands before DEATH [Matthew 6.19-20], [Mark 10.29-30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
FYI, GOD will Never Ever Force Anyone for Anything; HE will keep on Honoring all our Choices as long as WE live; Once DEAD we will Lose our Right to Choose, Forever [Ecclesiastes 7.29], [Hebrews 9.27]. So Know and DO what you Ought to DO, now; tomorrow may be too late, [Romans 10.9]. To the UNSAVED world GOD/BIBLE says 'Repent', to CHURCH HE says 'be Renewed in your Mind' [Matthew 3.2], [Romans 12.2]. To the UNSAVED world GOD/BIBLE says 'I stand at the Door and Knock, if Anyone hears my voice and opens [his heart] the door, I will come in and Commune with him, and he with me' to CHURCH HE says 'You can come Boldly to the throne of Grace whenever you want to collect whatever grace you need' [Revelation 3.20], [Hebrews 4.16]. So be SAVED, Baptized, Sanctified, Fruit bearing for CHRIST, Now [Daniel 12.2-3]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Beloved, Welcome GOD/BIBLE to Welcome: Love [Revelation 3.20], Life [John 3.16], Light [Romans 10.9]. STOP Believing the LIES of the Devil [John 8.44]. YOU were Never Created to live: Ashamed, Confused, Condemned, Depressed, Defeated, Guilty, Ignorant .. Unworthy or UNFORGIVEN but to be Successful, Joyful, Hopeful,. and VICTORIOUS [Genesis 1.26-28], [Romans 8.37]. If you Know who really YOU are and who YOU really belong to and really you can Become; all the Negative: Thoughts, Things and Forces which is slowing, stopping and trying to Mislead and Destroy you will DIE from within [Jeremiah 33.3], [Psalms 34.7], [Isaiah 54.17]. GOD/BIBLE says 'My people are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge' [Hosea 4.6]. You are not your own but GOD'S, HE will Provide and Protect You as long as You Believe and Obey GOD/BIBLE [Psalms 34.10]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.
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