Saturday, September 23, 2017

BIBLE is Awesome; because 1. It talks about Our Past, Present and FUTURE 2. Transforms Everyone who Reads it with faith 3. Written in The Highest Standard Ever known to Mankind 4. Divine PEACE is Birthed in Anyone's Heart when read with faith [Hebrews 4.2]. Beloved, All scripture in BIBLE are given by the inspiration of GOD, they are profitable for 1.Doctrine, 2. Reproof, 3.Correction, 4. Instruction in Righteousness [2 Timothy 3.16]. Funniest but Very Regrettable thing is, Most Mankind Doesn't Believe, Obey, Fear GOD/BIBLE whereas Devils Believe and Tremble before: GOD [James 2.19], JESUS [Matthew 8.29]. BIBLE says, in the beginning was the WORD, the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was GOD, and that's JESUS. All things were Created by JESUS [John 1.1-3]. So, Know BIBLE Know GOD. Wake up CHURCH, Wake up World [Acts 17.30]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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