Monday, October 2, 2017

Rewards are for Participants, Not for Spectators. So, is the case with GOD [Galatians 6.7-8]. So, Stop being a Spectator. Become and be a PARTICIPANT in GOD's Kingdom today. There were three groups of people who followed JESUS when HE was on the face of the earth; 1. to SEE what was happening. 2. to Find FAULT with JESUS, 3. to RECEIVE a Miracle from JESUS/GOD. This is the case even today in CHURCHES, Everywhere. Either to SEE and time pass, to Find FAULT and gossip or to Receive from the LORD and Glorify HIM, by Witnessing for JESUS, bearing Good Fruits, Heaping Rewards and Treasures in Heaven [Galatians 5.22-23], [Matthew 5.16 & 6.20]. So, become a PARTICIPANT in GOD's Kingdom today and become a RECEIVER from the LORD, in order to be Blessed and be a Blessing to Many others out there. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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