Sunday, December 24, 2017

CHRISTMAS is for All Mankind. So Merry Christmas to you. The Greatest Love story ever: thought, told, lived and demonstrated is CHRISTMAS, the Birth and Death of CHRIST [Luke 2.10-11]. FYI, You are LOVED more than You will ever: hear, know or understand, by GOD our: Creator, Master, Father and Friend [John 20.17], [John 15.14-15]. That’s why GOD sent HIS only begotten Son JESUS to DIE on the Cross on our behalf to Restore our Broken Relationship with GOD [Romans 5.1-19] which Adam lost in Eden garden by his Disobedience to GOD [Genesis 3.1-24]. Now, by JESUS' Obedience or Death and Resurrection GOD opened the flood gates to Eternal LIFE for Everyone who Believes in JESUS and DO what the BIBLE says [John 3.16], [Romans 10.9]. So be SAVED and SAFE for now and Ever. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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