Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Sometimes, GOD doesn't change our situation because HE is trying to change us; HE is taking us through water because our enemies can't swim [Isaiah 43.2]. Sometimes, what seems like a disappointment, could be GOD setting up for our rescue [Genesis 50.20]. Devil wants us to worry about our future so that we can't enjoy our present, Devil is a liar [John 8.44], Devil Hates what GOD Loves, Devil curses what GOD has Blessed [Numbers 22.6]; Devil has nothing to do with our life because Life is a Gift of GOD; so be grateful to GOD and Enjoy every moment of your Life [Romans 6.23]. Greater is in you than in the world [1 John 4.4]. YES beloved GOD has Great plans for our future [Jeremiah 29.11]. So, Seek, Believe, Obey GOD/BIBLE and keep moving forward because GOD has got our backs [Isaiah 59.19-21]. Cheer up. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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