Friday, December 1, 2017

Your: Deliverance, Breakthrough, Miracle,. is in your own hands. It is in YOU Willingly Choosing to Deliver Someone [Job 42.10]. FYI, Devil is Real and he is a Liar [John 8.44]. Devil Hates what GOD Loves, Devil wants You to remain Ignorant in order to Destroy you [Hosea 4.6]. Devil is the god of this world [2 Corinthians 4.4]; Devil has Blinded the Minds of Unbelievers of Gospel. That's why the Unbelievers of Gospel say: Hold it, Keep it, Save it, Hide it,.. You will Need it later but GOD/BIBLE says GIVE so that you will RECEIVE [Luke 6.38]. So, Choose to Ignore Devil to OBEY GOD [Isaiah 1.19]. Be it your: Time, Talents or Treasure; GIVE to the Poor [Proverbs 19.17] and Needy [Deuteronomy 15.11]; so that You will RECEIVE [Numbers 23.19]. Be PROACTIVE, Go out and Wipe Away someone's Tears Today, Everyday; make GOD Proud [Matthew 5.16], [Luke 6.31], [Galatians 6.7-8]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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