Thursday, January 4, 2018

GOD is the Greatest GIVER ever known to Mankind, HE Never Sells ANYTHING [Isaiah 55.1-2] but to Receive from HIM, WE must Believe in HIM [Hebrews 11.6], [Matthew 9.29-30]. When Compared to GOD/BIBLE Promised Eternal LIFE for us with GOD HIMSELF in Heaven, as FATHER and Children; when Believed, Obeyed GOD/BIBLE Now; against this Temporary earthly life with: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death; Earthly life is Not even a Drop in that waiting Ocean of Eternity, which will begin once WE are DEAD, because Eternal LIFE is a Never Ending Awesome LIFE Without EVIL, Without: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death [Revelation 21.4], [John 3.16]. YOU too can be a part of it, if You just Believe/Receive JESUS as your Savior and be in HIM until end, that's all it takes [Revelation 3.20], [Romans 10.9-10], [Acts 2.38]. So, be SAVED, be HEAVEN bound [Romans 10.9]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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