Saturday, January 6, 2018

You are the Reflection of your own Thoughts [Luke 18.10-14]. Become the Custodian of your Thought Life [Luke 15.18-24]. Nothing changes in your life until you change your thoughts [Matthew 9.21]. First base of Change in Life is the way you Think [Matthew 1.20]. So, be open to Correction [Matthew 19.16]. Be quick to receive Information [Jeremiah 33.3]. Decide to Think Right in line with BIBLE/GOD your Creator [John 3.16], [Luke 1.37], [Philippians 4.13]. You Don't need a Change of City, Job or Partner because with Same Mindset you will Create Same atmosphere even if you change City, Job or Partner but a CHANGE of MINDSET [1 Thessalonians 5.18], [Romans 12.2]. You might be just one Corrective thought away from your Breakthrough [John 8.32]. GOD cannot be with us if WE don't think the way HE Thinks [Isaiah 55.8-9]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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