Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Your outward appearance doesn't matter at all. So, Don't feel SAD for you being: Poor, Unattractive or Unaccepted, my friend. These things doesn't matter to GOD [1 Samuel 16.7]. These things have nothing to do with our Relationship with GOD our Heavenly FATHER or our Eternity in Heaven [John 6.27-29] because GOD looks at our Hearts for Treasures [Matthew 12.35] like being: Just, Merciful, Honest, Humble, Grateful, Loving, Forgiving and Believing, Honoring and Longing for HIM and HIS Will [Psalms 11.7]. So, Cheer up. FYI, GOD is very Keen only about what we carry within [Jeremiah 17.10]. So be: Righteous, Merciful and Kind in your Thoughts, Imaginations and Motives becoming Light and Salt to the world; Serving [Matthew 28.19-20] and Saving men [Proverbs 11.30] in: Tears, Pain, Sorrows and drifting towards Eternal Death. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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