Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Whenever You are: Helpless, Grounded, Desperate, Cornered,.. think of something Wonderful GOD has done for you in the Past and Realize that, GOD can Do it Again [Judges 16.28]. Whoever you are; if you are in Unbearable: Pain, Tears, Sorrow or Hopelessness; Stay where you are, Remain Silent, Choose to Seek GOD, Run into HIS Arms [Exodus 14.13-26]. You are just a decision away from your own: Joy, Peace and Endless Hope [Psalm 118.8-18]. FREE yourself by Becoming and being serious with GOD/BIBLE, seek GOD wholeheartedly, in order to be: Revived, Restored, Rebuilt, Relaunched. FYI, GOD is not only our Creator but also our FATHER and Friend; who is full of: Love and Compassion, Forgiveness and Acceptance, Provision and Protection, Wisdom and Knowledge and Many more Priceless things; Allow HIM to Love and Comfort YOU. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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