Sunday, June 3, 2018

DO What You Can with what You Have, until Others recognize that you are a GOD Ground, Good ground and partner with you, to Spread the Gospel and Glorify GOD through Partnership and Oneness of Mind [Acts 2.42-47]. Wake up beloved, We are Not going to be here Forever [James 4.14]. So, Never WAIT until Your Near: Retirement, Disability or Death to Work for GOD [Matthew 28.19-20], to Earn Eternal Rewards [John 6.27-29], Or to Heap Eternal Treasures [Matthew 6.19-20]. So, remember GOD and DO the: Right, Good things when GOD has given you Good: Health, Strength and Sound Mind [Matthew 5.16]. FYI, this Opportunity may not be there forever. So, Never Waste Your :Time, Talent, Treasures, on less and unimportant things. Someday Everyone, Everything will leave you. So, Prioritize things, Now. Achieve, Accomplish; Every day. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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