Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Most of us are NOT, Living our: Hearts, Dreams, Preferences because of our Fake Respect and FEAR for Society; Bound by our own Traditions and False Beliefs [Proverbs 14,12]. GOD Warns 'Even if a man gains the Whole WORLD and loses his own SOUL, what shall it profit him?' [Mark 8.36]. GOD Tells us 1.How Priceless is Heavenly life and Warns us Not to LOSE it 2.How Important it is to Receive JESUS [Romans 10.9], [Acts 2.38] and to LIVE a Holy Life in order to Inherit the NEVER ENDING Life in HEAVEN [John 3.16]; Without: Tears, Pains, Sorrows and Death [Revelation 21.4]. 3.How Disastrous it would be, to be Deceived FOREVER ending up in HELL for Temporary Pleasures of DEVIL like Quick, Easy and Attractive worldly: Positions, Possessions and Power to Ignore and Disobey BIBLE which is GOD's Law for Mankind [Revelation 12.9]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice. Share.

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