Saturday, October 12, 2013

Beloved Someone shared JESUS with me, when I believed HIM and obeyed BIBLE my life began to change. There began a gradual change in my Thoughts, Intents, Words and Deeds as days passed by making me into a brand new person in CHRIST. Now that I am SAVED, I strongly feel how indebted I am to all my brothers and sisters around the world who are yet to be SAVED, as a result of that I humbly took this blogging, Facebook postings, tweets and my books as a GOD given opportunity and tool to reach you and others who are Saved and yet to be SAVED with this immortal message of SALVATION. Be Blessed and become a Blessing too. JESUS is real. JESUS saves. JESUS heals. JESUS delivers. JESUS does miracle. JESUS does wonders. Above all JESUS LOVES YOU my dear friend. Know, believe, obey and please HIM before it is too late so that you can release yourself from the powers of darkness... Remember No man or No devil can stop you or challenge you from accepting JESUS as your LORD and SAVIOR; as long as you REALLY want HIM to be, it is absolutely between you and HIM; when done; you will be more than a Conqueror in CHRIST... Go for it my friend!!!

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