Saturday, October 12, 2013

Treat Your Spouse as your favorite CHILD, that is the [Ephesians 5.33[ [Matthew 19.19] BEST way to Solve all Marital Problems, my friend. Marriage is God's idea [Genesis 2.18] divorce is devil's [John 8.44] [John 10.10] ... Nowadays, many people change their partners as easily and frequently, as they change their shoes... Remember union between husband and wife is a holy thing [Hebrews 13.4] So always keep God / Bible in your marriage. God is always the unseen judge, overseer of life and our caring, loving father. My friend, Every marriage has got its own tears and cheers, pains and a lot of pleasures too. Always keep this in mind, the world need not know all the pains and problems, what's happening between you and your partner. Keep it to yourself. Share only the good and great things with others. Remember, marriage is just the beginning of creation of your own world or family, with godly love and forgiveness as its foundation; and countless sacrifices and responsibilities, as its healthy body, until death parts. Hope you got it... Treat each other as each other's FAVORITE CHILD....

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