Friday, December 19, 2014

Don't discuss your problems with someone incapable of contributing to its solution; rather pour your heart before GOD in prayer, in faith, my friend; who alone knows your needs and capable of handling it even before you could pray [Matthew 6.8]. So, Trust in GOD [Psalms 118.8] Who: Created You [Genesis 1.26-27], Cares for You [1 Peter 5.7] Loves You [John 3.15-17] and has Great Plans for You [Jeremiah 29.11]. GOD is in charge of us, not men. WE are GOD's Order, HE will pay for it. GOD commands us to seek HIS kingdom first, Why? so that all things will follow [Matthew 6.33]. So, Obey GOD [Isaiah 1.19]. Stop running behind men or world but GOD; so that GOD will personally Intervene and get Involved in your Life for its Best, today and forever. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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