Sunday, December 14, 2014

GOD is a Spirit [John 4.24]. HE is Everywhere [Psalms 139.7-8]. GOD knows Everyone and Everything. GOD knows even our Thoughts, Intents and Secrets. GOD knows our: Strength, Weakness; Fears and Worries [Matthew 6.8]. GOD knows our: Likes, Dislikes, Pains and Pleasures [Psalms 139.1-4]. GOD knows our: Day, Time, Place and manner of Death; even before we were Born [Acts 17.26]. GOD knows Who are our Enemies and What they Think and HE can Slow, Stop and even Destroy them based on our Relationship with HIM [Jeremiah 17.10], [Genesis 31.24], [Proverbs 21.30], [Isaiah 54.17]. GOD is: LOVE, ABLE and AWESOME because HE alone knows the End from the Beginning [Isaiah 46.9-10]. Know HIM personally to ENJOY your LIFE Now and Forever [Revelation 3.20]. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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