Saturday, December 13, 2014

GOD created EVERYTHING; Angels and Mankind [1/3 of Angels chose to rebel against GOD, becoming Demons. Isasiah 14.12-14], [Colossians 1.16]. So who is in charge? Man, Angels, Demons or GOD? Of course GOD [Isaiah 46.9-10]. That's why GOD tells us Not to Fear. HE owns Everything and HE is ABLE [Jeremiah 27.5], [Isaiah 41.10-13], [Job 42.2]. GOD didn't Request us but Commands Not to FEAR. As a child of GOD Believing, Obeying BIBLE; Whenever WE Fear Anyone or Anything, WE Break GOD's Law in Disobedience. Even Demons Tremble before GOD [James 2.19]. Remember, GOD can easily Terrorize even Terrorists [Satan and his agents]. So, Wake up my friend FEAR GOD; Believe and Obey BIBLE and DO what it says. Truth. Wisdom. Choice.

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