Friday, December 12, 2014

None of us are Perfect [Ecclesiastes 7.20], [Romans 3.4]. Everyone has their own Flaws and Shortcomings with their own Pains and Battles to fight and endure. Though all don't openly share or confide everything with us; many are in Tears, Fears and in Pain from within. So, Stop being Judgmental, Harsh, Unkind to find fault with others to quickly label them; Breaking their Hearts and hopes, for petty little things [Matthew 7.1-2]. Please try to: LOVE, Accept and Encourage one another; as JESUS did, in order for You to be: Loved, Accepted and Encouraged. We must Reap what we Sow but in Manifolds. So, be very cautious about what goes out, from you [Galatians 6.7-8], [John 15.12-14]. Wisdom. Truth. Choice.

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